Catalogue description Indenture of assignment of lease.

This record is held by Lincolnshire Archives

Details of 2ANC1/4/6
Reference: 2ANC1/4/6
Title: Indenture of assignment of lease.

Henry Bell clerk and Katherine his wife of Burton Coggles to Robert Peake, yeoman of Swinstead.


Property: (leased to Mr. and Mrs. Bell by Edward Alvey, clerk, of Swinstead and subsequently assigned for 5 years to Robert Lawson) 2 messuages, one called Temple House and the other formerly occupied by Thomas Linne, gent., common for 16 beasts, 13 draught beasts and 160 sheep in Swinstead.


Date of original lease 16 April 1607.


Term: 21 years.


Rent: £16.


Seals and signature and mark.

Date: 26 May 1619
Held by: Lincolnshire Archives, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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