Catalogue description Main Papers

This record is held by Parliamentary Archives

Details of HL/PO/JO/10/1/61
Reference: HL/PO/JO/10/1/61
Title: Main Papers

11 June 1641 -- Warrant to the gentleman usher to bring John Dunning and others before the House to answer the complaint of Sir John Lucas.


11 June 1641 -- List of witnesses who are to give in their testimonies in writing in the cause between Fowlis and Layton.


11 June 1641 -- The brief of Joseph Hawes in his suit against Kilvart and Carvisall.


11 June 1641 -- Draft order for the hearing of the Earl of Mulgrave's cause.


11 June 1641 -- Petition of John Marche, that a proviso for the confirmation of his estate may be inserted in the Earl of Cleveland's Bill for the sale of the manors of Stepney, Hackney, etc.


11 June 1641 -- Draft order upon a petition of Richard Freshfield.


11 June 1641 -- Draft order upon the petition of Robert Partridge against Henry Barrington.


11 June 1641 -- Petition of John Devereux, prisoner in the Fleet, that his suit against the executors of John Norton, deceased, may be forthwith heard.




1 Copy of preceding.


2-4 Three draft orders referring the matter to the master of the court of wards.


11 June 1641 -- Two draft orders upon petition of Philippa Turner and others.


[11] June [1641] -- Petition of Robert Corbett, prisoner in the Fleet. Complains of the conduct of Wm Arwaker, an attorney, concerning a debt due by petitioner to John Brand, and further of the conduct of Arwaker and Nathaniel Strickson concerning a bill for £200 to Thomas Johnson.


11 June 1641 -- Two draft orders referring Corbett's cause to the Mayor of Colchester and John Joslyn.




1 Petition of Robert Corbett.


12 June 1641 -- Copy of resolutions of the House of Commons of 15 and 16 December 1640, respecting the canons made at the late synod of the clergy.


12 June 1641 -- Draft order in the cause between Bagshaw and Bagshaw.


12 June 1641 -- Petition of Dame Katherin Goldsmith, widow, complains of Sir Henry Marten for refusing to grant her letters of administration of the goods of the late Sir Edward Onley, who died intestate.




1 & 2 Two draft orders upon preceding.


12 June 1641 -- Petition of Henry Rawlings and William Taylor that the order made on the 28th of April last for staying a ship belonging to Mr Slingsby, then lying in Tilbury Hope, may be recalled, and the ship made over to petitioners.


12 June 1641 -- Petition of John Allen, master and owner of the good ship "Jewel," of Yarmouth. The "Jewel," laden with slates from Plymouth to Dunkirk, was taken by a French man-of-war and carried into Calais, the only pretence for the capture being that there was a poor Flemish seaman on board.




1 Copy of the letter from the Privy Council to the Earl of Leicester, referred to in preceding.


2 Estimate of the loss sustained by petitioner.


3 Copy of preceding.


4 Affidavits of Nathaniel Dobds and Henry Bannester, mariners.


5 Letter from Andrew Yarsley, at Dunkirk, to John Allen.


6 Translation of the sentence which was registered with the clerk of the Admiralty of "Calais and the reconquered country," condemning the "Jewel" as lawful prize.


12 June 1641 -- Petition of William Hobson, clerk, that a pretended protection granted by the Earl of Somerset to Mr Thyn, who is not in any way a servant or retainer of the Earl, may be discharged.




1 The answer of the Earl of Somerset.


2 Remosntrance of William Hobson.


12 June 1641 -- Two draft orders upon the petition of Edward Hawkins, for relief against his brother-in-law, Mr Davenport.


12 June 1641 -- Petition of Edmund Carew, for enquiry into his claim to the office of deputy in the Tally office.


12 June 1641 -- Draft order for attendance of witnesses, upon the petition of Thomas Turner against Sir Henry Marten.


14 June 1641 -- Order against the rioters in West Dereham and Roxham, Norfolk.




1 Affidavit of Edward Upchar, of West Dereham.


2 Statement as to the cause of the riot, and list of persons to be sent for to answer.


3 Affidavit of Thomas Barwick.


4 Similar affidavit of Edward Pratt.


14 June 1641 -- Petition of the governor and committee of the East India Company, praying for further time to answer the petition of Thomas Smithwicke.


14 June 1641 -- Draft order upon Sir Pierce Crosby's petition.




1 Copies of previous orders in the same matter.


2 Exceptions to the sentence made in the Court of Star Chamber against Sir Pierce Crosby.


[14 June 1641] -- Draft of a letter from [the Speaker of the House of Commons] to [Sir John Conyers]. The Lord General hath lately imparted to the House a letter directed to him and subscribed by divers officers of the army, by which it appears that false and scandalous reports of the proceedings in the House have been dispersed amongst the army, with the evil intention of breeding discontent.


15 June 1641 -- Draft of the heads for a conference with the House of Commons, touching the disbanding of the army.


16 June 1641 -- Petition of George Rookes, that Sir Henry Marten may be called upon to answer for his contempt in refusing to pay the money decreed to petitioner.




1 Petition of same, that Robert Tockley may be arrested.


2 Affidavits of George Rookes and George Rookes the younger.


3 Affidavits of George Rookes and Hugh Mason.


15 June 1641 -- Draft order for the discharge of Andrewes Burrell, at the suit of Grace Burrell.




1 Petition of Andrewes Burrell, praying for a hearing of his cause against Grace Burrell.


15 June 1641 -- Petition of Edward Lake, Doctor of Laws; complains that he has been disseised of his right in the registrarship of the archdeaconry of Leicester by the practices of Sir John Lambe and others.




1 Schedule of his case.


15 June 1641 -- Two draft orders upon the petition of John Smalley.




1 Copy of petition of John Smalley, executor of the last will and testament of his late father, Samuel Smalley, and of William Reade and the other creditors of Samuel Smalley, for relief against the Lord Viscount Beaumont and Sir John Monson, touching the estate of the late Samuel Smalley.


15 June 1641 -- Petition of Cornelius Cooke, John Rose, and Robert Haughton, churchwardens of St Olave's, Southwark; pray for their discharge.


15 June 1641 -- Petition of Oliver Whitbie, curate of St Olave's, Southwark; complains of the violent conduct of certain parishioners.


16 June 1641 -- Petition of Sir George Radcliffe; prays for a hearing before he and Sir George Lowther are compelled to obey the order touching the transfer of the estate of Sir Richard Osbaldston.


16 June 1641 -- Draft order upon the petition of Francis Dutton against her husband, Giles Dutton.


16 June 1641 -- Sir Henry Marten's answer concerning the performance of Mr Booke's order.


16 June 1641 -- Two draft orders upon the petition of Dermond Maccarty against Sir James Cragg.


16 June 1641 -- Petition of masters and owners of hoyes and barques within the several ports of England, as also of Robert Hurlock. John Crane, under colour of his office of victualler to the navy, seized a barque called the "Rose of Handford Water," belonging to Hurlock.




1 "Schedule containing several misdemeanours committed by the late John Crane.


16 June 1641 -- Affidavit of William Champnoll, that he served the order upon Jeremy Bagg, who continues making glass in contempt of the order.


16 June 1641 -- Petition of Sir John Wintour, that George Minn may be ordered to surrender certain bonds, in accordance with an agreement entered into between petitioner, Sir Basil Brooke, and the said Minn.


16 June 1641 -- Petition of John West and others, inhabitants of Wotton [Wootton], in the county of Northampton, complain of the oppressions practised by Jeremy Stephens, parson of Wotton and Quinton, upon his parishioners.




1 Statement of grievances.


16 June 1641 -- Draft order for attendance of Stephens, to answer preceding petition.


16 June 1641 -- Petition of Sir Peter Osborne in his suit against Joyce, touching the rectory of Hawnes, in the county of Bedford.




1 Draft order for attendance of witnesses.


16 June 1641 -- Petition of Thomas Harrison, a poor aged man. The Lord Falconbridge refuses to obey a decree obtained against him, by petitioner touching the manor of Great Broughton.




1 Copy of preceding.


2 Draft order.


16 June 1641 -- Draft order upon the petition of Thomas Harrison for the Lord Falconbridge to answer.


16 June 1641 -- Petition of Alexander Shapley and others. About 14 years since the Duke of Buckingham contracted with petitioners for the hire of four ships for his Majesty's service at the islands of Rhè and Rochelle.




1 Petition of same to the like effect.


2 Certificate signed by Sir William Russell, treasurer of the navy.


16 June 1641 -- Petition of Josias Middlemore, a poor distressed prisoner in the common gaol at Leicester, for relief against his half-brother, George Middlemore.




1 Copies of various proceedings in the cause.


16 June 1641 -- Petition of William Trewbody and Emmanuel, his son, for relief against Sir Reignold Mohun, for unlawfully withholding from them an estate in the county of Cornwall.


16 June 1641 -- Draft order upon preceding.


16 June 1641 -- Petition of Sir Edward Denny, Knight. Long before Sir George Radcliffe was accused of high treason, he was indebted to the Dowager Viscountess Baltinglasse which debt is now vested in petitioner.


16 June 1641 -- Two draft orders calling upon Sir George Radcliffe to answer preceding petition.


16 June 1641 -- Copy of the petition of Carew Reynell, for the reversal of a decree made by the Lord Bishop of Lincoln, touching a lease of the manor and offices of the wardenship of the Fleet, and of the keeping of the Old Palace at Westminster.


16 June 1641 -- Two draft orders appointing a day for hearing the preceding case.


16 June 1641 -- Petition of Thomas Dykes, of Wardale, in the county of Cumberland. At the beginning of March last was commanded to appear before their Lordships to answer the petition of Ralph Bradley.


16 June 1641 -- Petition of Edward Knipe, merchant. Was employed to trade to the East Indies by Sir William Courteene (now deceased). Prays for relief against William Courteene, heir of the said Sir William.


16 June 1641 -- Draft order calling upon Courteene to answer.


16 June 1641 -- Petition of Daniel Strutt for relief against Joane Butcher and others, to whom he sold certain lands at Yeldham, Essex.




1 Particular of the grievances.


16 June 1641 -- Draft order upon preceding petition.


16 June 1641 -- Notes of Mr Serjeant Glanville's speech as counsel for the Earl of March in the matter of Sutton Marsh, and of examination of witnesses.

Date: 11 Jun 1641 - 16 Jun 1641

Some documents may have been removed from this file to the Parchment Collection, the Large Parchments or the Parchment Main Papers. Where this has occurred it is noted in brackets in the descriptions above. Please see relevant entries in the Parchment Collection (HL/PO/JO/10/2), Large Parchments (HL/PO/JO/10/3) or Parchment Main Papers (HL/PO/JO/10/4) for further details.

Related material:

See Journals of the House of Lords for the same date for entries relating to the laying of these papers.

Held by: Parliamentary Archives, not available at The National Archives
Language: English
Unpublished finding aids:

Calendared in HMC 4th Report, pp 73-75

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