Catalogue description Prostitution: reports

This record is held by London University: London School of Economics, The Women's Library

Details of 3AMS/B/16/15
Reference: 3AMS/B/16/15
Title: Prostitution: reports

Consists of:


- typescript 'Report of the Ladies' National Association for the Abolition of the State Regulation of Vice' annual meeting held on 30 Apr 1907


- galley proof 'A note on the relation of prostitution to alcoholism' by Helen Wilson


- typescript notes on prostitution, procuration, bullies, solicitation and advertisement generally, brothels, male prostitution (c 1917)


- typescript 'A study of 168 cases of prostitution' (1920)


- typescript for lecture 'Prostitution and allied problems' (8 Jun 1939)


- typescript 'Prostitution. Regulation or abolition' by Magdeline Leroy (Jul 1943) and copy in French


- typescript 'Prostitution and the emancipation of women' by Mme Leroy-Boy


- typescript copied from Criminal Law Review Oct 1960 'The law versus prostitution' by AE Jones, magistrates' clerk


- typescript Sexual Law Reform Society 'Report of Working Party on the law in relation to sexual behaviour' (Sep 1974)


- typescript 'Some aspects of prostitution in West End of London 1979' by Su Cunnington


- typescript 'London Borough of Camden. Policy and resources (Police sub-committee) 30 May 1984. Report of research regarding the establishment of a specialist unit to co-ordinate services to prostitute women' (1984)


- 'The effects of changing morality on the lives of women', speech by Joyce Ansell at conference 'In pursuit of scruples' organised by the Basingstoke Group of the National Women's Register on 19 Mar 1988


- carbon copy of 'Modern sexuality. Volume III of Prostitution and Society' by Professor Fernando Henriques


- manuscript 'Traffic in girls in London' (author unidentified)


- typescript 'Some notes on prostitution supplied to an abolitionist in a regulationist country. Why we cannot compromise with prostitution' (author unidentified)


- typescript 'A consideration for the regulation of prostitution and some suggestions for an alternative system' (author unidentified)


- typescript 'English law re 'souteneurs'


- typescript 'Social stigma and prostitution' by Shlomo Shoham and Giora Rahav


- copies of letters and report on 'Street prostitution' by the Amhurst Park Action Group (1992)


- covering letter and copy of MA thesis by Joelle Oliveira entitled 'Prostitution and the Contagious Diseases Acts in late nineteenth-century England' (1860s-1890s) Jun 1994


For the following publications consult The Women's Library printed collections catalogue:


- 'The tragedy of Micheline Pierre', annex III, publication unidentified, with typescript with 'published by the Josephine Butler Educational Trust (c 1955) (ref 349.44052534 TRA)


- leaflet 'Can prostitution be made a legal offence?' Graz Abolitionist Congress Papers reprinted from 'The Shield' Jan-Feb 1925 (ref 305.420941 JOS)


- 'Facts about prostitution: with some notes on 'affairs', the Association for Moral and Social Hygiene, 1940 (ref 345.02534 NEI)


- leaflet 'The prevention of prostitution: the reduction of demand' extracts from unpublished report of the League of Nations, reprinted from 'The Shield' Oct 1942 (ref 176 CAV)


- leaflet 'The relation between state regulation of prostitution and the traffic in women and children' by Lord Balfour of Burleigh (1944) (ref 345.02534 BAL)


- 'A survey of the laws concerning prostitution' by M de Felice (ref 349.4052534 FEL)


- typescript 'Prostitution in Great Britain today' paper for the 25th Congress of the International Abolitionist Federation in New Delhi Oct 1972 (2 copies) (ref 306.740941 PRO)


- printed 'Prostitution: the case against regulation' by Angela Butler and John Cooper in 'Crucible' Journal of the General Synod Board for Social Responsibility (Apr-Jun 1977)(periodicals)

Date: 1907-1995
Held by: London University: London School of Economics, The Women's Library, not available at The National Archives
Former reference in its original department: 3/JBS2/5/1996 Box 3 of 24 JB 133
Language: English
Physical description: 2 folders

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