Catalogue description Court roll   Treloy, Lanhern, Trembleith, Bodwannek, Nansladderon, Medysholl, Enyscawen,...

This record is held by Kresen Kernow (formerly Cornwall Record Office)

Details of AR/2/749
Reference: AR/2/749

Court roll


Treloy, Lanhern, Trembleith, Bodwannek, Nansladderon, Medysholl, Enyscawen, Truruvyan, Kenell, Wynnyanton, Carmynowe, Bodbrane, Respery, Prespynneke, Pengwenna, Conorton


(4 & 5 to 5 & 6 Philip and Mary)


Roll of several manors of John Arundell de Lanherun under the custody of Thomas Bere.


membrane 1.


Treloy: 2 law courts and court.


Lanhern: law court and court.


Trembleith: law court and court.


membrane 2.


Bodwannek: law court and 3 courts.


Nansladderon: law court and court (-membrane 3).


membrane 3.


Medysholl: law court and 3 courts.


Enyscawen: law court and court.


Truruvyan: law court and court (membrane 4).


membrane 4.


Kenell: law court and court.


Wynnyanton: law court and court.


Carmynowe: law court and court.


membrane 5.


Bodbrane: law court and court.


Respery: law court and court.


Prespynnek: law court and court.


Pengwenna: law court and court.


Conerton: law court and 2 courts.


Reeves and tithingmen named; also ale-taster (Medysholl), woodward (Bodbrane).


Fines for release of suit of court, and amercements for defaults of suit of court.


Amercements for encroachment, cutting of turves, cutting of furze and heath; removal of stones (Bodwannek); woodland offences (Bodwannek, Nansladderon); obstruction of way; pigs turning over the moor.


Withdrawal of multure.


Strays (especially in Wynnyanton).


Reliefs, heriots and farleus (tenants and tenements named); recognizances and fealty.


Toll of tin.


Orders to repair buildings; also mill and water-course (Lanhern), poundfold (Medysholl).


A few civil pleas.


Bodwannek, Jul 1558: presentment of John Stephyn Basterde for cutting 8 oaks in Lanytte; he died on the gibbet (mortuus est patibulo), therefore etc.


Medysholl, Oct 1557: presentment of Margaret Kayme, widow, "eo quod ipsa vivit suspiciose ut vacabund' contra legem regni Anglie" (lord's grace, 12d).


Kenell, Jul 1558: presentment of Warin Eda de Stethyans for washing certain cuts (talliae) of black tin called 'afterwayshes' at the old mill of Kenell and not paying toll of tin to the lord's toller.


Carmynowe, May 1558: presentment of 7 people (named) for breaking and entering closes of Isabel Hendre at Chynythen, Hendre and Kyllyengreth and removing 10s worth of rye.


Conorton, May 1558: presentment that the hall and prison (aula et prisona) are in decay; presentment of bringing plea against Thomas Polkynhorn in de Banco court instead of this court. Presentment of taking a piece of timber called 'a seale yerde' outside the manor.


membrane 6.


Court held at Pelleowe 'upon a view of bounds there between land of Pelleowe and land of Polkynhorn'. Assault made at Conorton.


[Treloy, Lanherne, Trembleath, Bodwannick, Lanhadron, Mitchell, Enniscaven, Truro Vean, Kennall, Winnington, Carminow, Bodbrane, Reperry, Prospidnick, Pengwedna, Connerton]


membrane 4. John Colroger 1558 (Kenell)


membrane 5. John Turnawayle 1558 (Pengwenna)


membrane 6. John Penheleg 1558 (bailiff, Conorton); Thomas and John Polkynhorne (Conorton)


membrane 1. Hendra Pawle, Hendra Mostell 1558 (tenements of Treloy)


membrane 2. oaks at Lanytte (Bodwannek) [= Lanet, in Lanivet]


membrane 3. Nantelyowe 1557, cutting of 40 oaks at Nantely 1558 (Medysholl); lord's common at le Gosse 1558 (Enyscawen); Seynt Nicholas Strete 1558 (Truruvyan)


membrane 4. Chynythen, Hendre & Kyllyengreth 1558 (Carmynowe)


membrane 6. Conordowne 1558 (encroachment by Thomas Polkynhorne, annexing to his tenement of Pelleowe, and other offences there; his blowing mill); Coner Myll; Nansderowe; Egloshayle

Date: 1557-58
Held by: Kresen Kernow (formerly Cornwall Record Office), not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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