Catalogue description Draft of an agreement between Oliver Calley of Overtown House and Frances Newman whereby...

This record is held by Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre

Details of 1178/340/2
Reference: 1178/340/2

Draft of an agreement between Oliver Calley of Overtown House and Frances Newman whereby Calley agreed to secure his long standing debts to Newman amounting to over £16,000 by means of either an assignment of West Indian plantation estates mortgaged to Calley by Richard Ottley of Argyll Street in London, or by both an assignment of a mortgage of the manor of Holnest in Dorset and the creation of an additional mortgage on Overtown Farm in the parish of Wroughton; and that Calley pay interest on the total debt at 4% per annum as from the date of the agreement.

Date: 1773
Held by: Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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