Catalogue description Articles of Partnership.

This record is held by Lambeth Archives

Details of IV/104/2/1
Reference: IV/104/2/1
Title: Articles of Partnership.

1. Robert Thornton of London, merchant.


2. Joel Watson of Kingston upon Hull, merchant.


3. William Cogan of Kingston upon Hull, gentleman.


4. William Wilberforce of Kingston upon Hull, merchant.


5. Samuel Watson of Kingston upon Hull, merchant.


6. Godfrey Thornton of London, merchant.


7. William Thornton of Kingston upon Hull, merchant.


Agreement to carry on 'the trade or business of a sugar baker and refiner' on land 'without the Northgate of Hull on the East side of the river of Hull'.


James Milnes of Hull was to have been a partner but conveyed his share of the business to Godfrey and William Thornton.


Capital of £12,000


Signature of all parties.

Date: 13 July 1733
Held by: Lambeth Archives, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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