Catalogue description Catherine Willson (receipted by son James) for 7s. 3d.: Attendance on Elias Evitts -...

This record is held by Nottinghamshire Archives

Details of DD/E/155/22
Reference: DD/E/155/22

Catherine Willson (receipted by son James) for 7s. 3d.: Attendance on Elias Evitts - journey 2s. 6d. (contrasts with 5s. charged by Dr. Yardley), stomach draught 1s., purging draught 1s., emetic draught 1s., plaster 3d., tincture rhubarb 1s. 6d. Treatment was in 1765-6 and bill settled 1772.

Date: 22 Sept. 1772
Held by: Nottinghamshire Archives, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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