Catalogue description Depositions

This record is held by Kent History and Library Centre

Details of Q/SB/11/20
Reference: Q/SB/11/20
Title: Depositions

a) Edmond Croohurst, concerning a ewe sheep he had lost: that he found it on Robert Tomson's land, and that Tomson had marked it on top of Croohurst's mark. b) Thomas Burgis of Luddesdowne, executor of Thomas Bance, concerning the theft of a ploughshare of Bance's which he accuses Tomson of stealing, and trying to have it made into a stay. c) Jonas Wellard, concerning the same: that, having heard of Bance's loss of a ploughshare, when Tomson's servant brought it to him, he returned it to Burgis, Bance's executor. d) Robert Tomson, denying marking the sheep, and claiming to have found the share in his hedge.

Date: 12 July 1670
Held by: Kent History and Library Centre, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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