Catalogue description records incl parish registers, registers of services, glebe terriers, tithe accounts,...

This record is held by Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Archive Service: Staffordshire County Record Office

Details of D1207, D3778, D6508, D6598
Reference: D1207, D3778, D6508, D6598 (click here to view this record in archive's external catalogue)
Description: records incl parish registers, registers of services, glebe terriers, tithe accounts, churchwardens' accounts, vestry minutes, PCC minutes, overseers of the poor accounts, settlement records, bastardy records, apprenticeship indentures, constables' account, records rel to parish charities, records rel to parish school
Date: c1570-1993
Held by: Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Archive Service: Staffordshire County Record Office, not available at The National Archives

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