Catalogue description Place name: Bayston, Baystonhill and Lower Bayston, Shropshire Folio: 257r Great...

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Details of E 31/2/2/2460
Reference: E 31/2/2/2460
Place name: Bayston, Baystonhill and Lower Bayston, Shropshire
Folio: 257r Great Domesday Book
Domesday place name: Begestan
People mentioned within entire folio: Aelfgifu; another Aelfgifu; Aisil; Algar; Almaer; Alsige; Alwig; Azur; Burrer; Countess Godgifu; Eadric; Earl Edwin; Earl Harold; Fech; Godwine; Grimkel; Helgot; Hrafnsvartr; Ingelrann; Karli; Leofwine; Ordgrim; Ordwig; Ralph de Mortimer; Richard; Roger; Sasfrid; Thorgot; Thorsten; Ulf; Walter; Walter of Lorraine, Bishop of Hereford; Wicga; William Pantulf; William de Warenne; Wulfgeat; Wulfric
Date: 1086
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description

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