Catalogue description Petitioners: Men of the manor of Darnhall. Addressees: King. Nature of...

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Details of SC 8/309/15406
Reference: SC 8/309/15406
Petitioners: Men of the manor of Darnhall.
Addressees: King.
Nature of request: The men of the manor of Darnhall request remedy because the foresters deny them their rights in the forest, including housebote and haybote and common of pasture for their beasts. The foresters have also enclosed 60 acres of the King's forest and common pasture blocking the common road between Over and Budworth.
Nature of endorsement: [None].
Places mentioned: Darnhall, [Cheshire]; Over, [Cheshire]; Budworth, [Cheshire].
People mentioned: Monks of Darnhall; Warin le Grovenur, forester; Henry de Weure, forester; Ralph [de Marton], son of Stephen de Marton, forester; Stephen de Marton; Richard de Munsul, forester.
Note: The petition dates to c. 1277, when the justice of Chester etc. was ordered not to enter lands of the abbot and convent of Darnhall but to permit them and their men and tenants to have pasture and reasonable estovers (CPR 1272-81, p. 193).
Date: [c. 1277]
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Language: Latin
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description
Publication note:

Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edw I, vol. I, 1272-1281, (Public Record Office, 1901), pp.193-4 (mandate not to enter lands of the abbot and convent of Darnhall but to permit them and their men and tenants to have pasture and reasonable estovers etc.)

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