Catalogue description Petitioners: John de Topclif (Topcliffe), merchant of York. Name(s): de Topclif...

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Details of SC 8/302/15091
Reference: SC 8/302/15091
Petitioners: John de Topclif (Topcliffe), merchant of York.
Name(s): de Topclif (Topcliffe), John
Addressees: Chancellor.
Occupation: merchant of York
Nature of request: Topclif requests that a prohibition is granted to Sutton and the constables and company of the staple of Calais and to other parties pursuing him to cease their plea against Topclif which has seen his goods arrested and detained for a long time since at the last parliament at Westminster it was ordained that the staple be removed to England and his goods are of the York Staple.
Nature of endorsement: [None].
Places mentioned: York; Westminster; Calais, [France].
People mentioned: Richard [de] Awen, merchant of York; William [de Awen], merchant of York, and son of Richard de Awen; Robert de Sutton, late mayor of the staple of Calais; William de Agland, late merchant of the staple.
Note: The petition is dated to c. 1385 as it is probable that the petition arises out of the decision of the October parliament of 1385 to return the staple to England (Rot. Parl., vol. III, p.204b).
Date: [c. 1385]
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Former reference in its original department: Chancery Files 419.
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Language: French
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description
Publication note:

Rotuli Parliamentorum; ut et Petitiones, et Placita in Parliamento, vol. III, Ric II and Hen IV, (Record Commission, 1783), p.204b (agreement in parliament to the return of the staple to England)

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