Catalogue description Petitioners: William Haute, esquire. Name(s): Haute, William Addressees: ...

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Details of SC 8/251/12534
Reference: SC 8/251/12534
Petitioners: William Haute, esquire.
Name(s): Haute, William
Addressees: King.
Places mentioned: France.
Nature of request: William Haute requests that the king grant him letters patent in the terms of the attached schedule, in consideration of his service to the king and his father in the wars in France.
Nature of endorsement: [None].
Note: The references to the French wars of the king and his father would suggest a date in the reign of Henry VI, but the schedule formerly attached to this petition has not been identified. The handwriting would also suggest a date in the middle decades of the fifteenth century.
Date: [c. 1420-c. 1460]
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Language: English
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description
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