Catalogue description Petitioners: Hugh de Cressy, knight. Name(s): de Cressy, Hugh Addressees: ...

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Details of SC 8/194/9682
Reference: SC 8/194/9682
Petitioners: Hugh de Cressy, knight.
Name(s): de Cressy, Hugh
Addressees: King.
Nature of request: Hugh de Cressy states that he and others sued an assize of novel disseisin against Cecily Gerberge and others concerning the manor of Thurlby in Lincolnshire, which is adjourned to the common sessions after the feast of St Mary Magdalene; but that Cecily in the meantime has had Geoffrey de la Mare, her son, bring an assize of mort d'ancestor against them concerning this manor, and is happy to lose the manor in order to quash the first assize. A special day has been appointed for the mort d'ancestor and he requests a letter to the Chancellor to send a writ to Roger de Bankwell and his companions, appointed to hold this assize, ordering them not to do so until the county assizes have been held.
Nature of endorsement: [None]
Places mentioned: Thurlby, Lincolnshire; Stamford, [Lincolnshire].
People mentioned: Cecily Gerberge; Geoffrey de la Mare, son of Cecily Gerberge; Roger de Bankwell, justice.
Note: Apparently formerly enclosed with no.16853 of C 81/304, which is dated 19 May, 19 Edward III (1345). This would agree with the dating of SC 8/193/9645, SC 8/197/9825A and SC 8/197/9825B.
Date: [1345]
Related material:

For a related petition, see SC 8/197/9825B

For a related petition, see SC 8/197/9825A

For a related petition, see SC 8/193/9645

For a mandate to the Chancellor to take advice on this petition, and to ordain such aid and recovery as is possible without offence to the law and according to the statutes ordained in such cases, see no.16853 of C 81/304

Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Language: French
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description
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