Catalogue description Petitioners: Henry Snayth (Snaith), clerk. Name(s): Snayth (Snaith), Henry ...

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Details of SC 8/139/6945
Reference: SC 8/139/6945
Petitioners: Henry Snayth (Snaith), clerk.
Name(s): Snayth (Snaith), Henry
Addressees: King and council.
Occupation: clerk
Nature of request: Dispute over the prebend of St James in the collegiate church of Beverley which is rightfully Snaith's but which is claimed by Hugh Ferriby.
Nature of endorsement: [None.]
Places mentioned: Beverley, [East Riding of Yorkshire].
People mentioned: Thomas de Feriby (Ferriby); Hugh de Feriby (Ferriby).
Note: The terminus ad quem for this petition is provided by CPR 1381-5, pp. 293 & 303, the latter showing Snaith to be dead; it is assumed that the terminus a quo is the beginning of the reign of Richard II.
Date: [c. 1377-c. 1383]
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Language: French
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description
Publication note:

Calendar of Patent Rolls, Ric II, vol. II, 1381-1385, (Public Record Office, 1898), pp. 293 & 303 (grants of the prebend to Ferriby)

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