Catalogue description Record Type: Conclusion Former Reference: WM (39) 75 Attendees: N...

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Details of CAB 65/2/9
Reference: CAB 65/2/9
Record Type: Conclusion
Former Reference: WM (39) 75
Attendees: N Chamberlain; J Simon; Chatfield; L Hore-Belisha; S Hoare; Halifax; W Churchill; K Wood; Hankey; J Anderson; E Burgin; C Newall; A Eden; H Wilson; W Ironside; T Phillips.
Agenda: 1. Air Operations; 2. Naval Operations; 3. Security of Fleet Bases - Scapa Flow and the loss of the Royal Oak; 4. Military Operations; 5. Canada - Destination of the First Canadian Division; 6. Weekly Reports; 7. Leakage of information to Germany - Censorship of Cable and Wireless messages from Eire; 8. Air requirements of the Army; 9. Possibility of sea-borne and air-borne attack on Great Britain; 10. Bofors Guns; 11. The Netherlands and Belgium - Peace appeal by Queen Wilhelmina and King Leopold.
Date: 08 November 1939
Related material:

For The Air Strengths of Great Britain, France and Germany see WP (39) 102

CAB 66/3

Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Former reference in its original department: WM (39) 75
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description
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