Catalogue description 1 item (originally enclosed in [despatch] number 48, 15 August 1896) extracted from FO...

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Details of MR 1/413
Reference: MR 1/413

1 item (originally enclosed in [despatch] number 48, 15 August 1896) extracted from FO 63/1317. Portuguese East Africa (now Mozambique). 'Projecto de Ampliacao da Cidade de Lourenço Marques [now Maputo]': map, in Portuguese, of the projected layout of the town, showing named buildings, streets and the former routes of foot tracks. Scale: 1 inch to about 56 yards. Compass star. Compiled by Colonel Antonio Juan de Aranjo, December 1887; lithographed by A W Capien; printed by the Argus Printing Co, Ltd. MS additions, coloured, in English, showing the approximate limits of a swamp and the progress of the construction works in the town, including areas paved and not yet paved, and the sites of the English church and the British and German consulates; extensive MS reference notes; additions by Roger Casement, [British] Consul, Lourenço Marques, 1896.

Date: 1887-1896
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Language: English and Portuguese
Dimensions: 102 cm x 152 cm
Physical condition: Lithographed, coloured
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description
Publication note:

Maps and Plans in the Public Record Office: 3. Africa, ed P A Penfold (London, 1982), entry 1894

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