Catalogue description Defendant: Sumida Haruzo. Defendant: Monai Tadamori. Defendant: Umeda Hisao. Defendant:...

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Details of WO 235/891
Reference: WO 235/891

Defendant: Sumida Haruzo.

Defendant: Monai Tadamori.

Defendant: Umeda Hisao.

Defendant: Sakamoto Shigeru.

Defendant: Makisono Masuo.

Defendant: Terada Takao.

Defendant: Nozawa Toichiro.

Defendant: Tsujio Shigeo.

Defendant: Takeuchi Noboru.

Defendant: Morita Shozo.

Defendant: Kataoka Masaki.

Defendant: Sugimoto Heikichi.

Defendant: Sugimoto Kozo.

Defendant: Kasahara Hideo.

Defendant: Yamauchi Satori.

Defendant: Murata Yoshitaro.

Defendant: Tanaka Toshiro.

Defendant: Nige Masayoshi.

Defendant: Toh Swee-Koon.

Defendant: Miyazaki Kasuo.

Defendant: Chan Eng-Thian.

Place of Trial: Singapore.

Note: The naming of a defendant within this catalogue does not imply guilt
Date: 1945 Oct. 24-1946 Oct. 26
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Former reference in its original department: Case No. 79
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description

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