Catalogue description A bound volume kept and illustrated by Rieweert Frerecks, of ships' journals of European...

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Details of HCA 30/660
Reference: HCA 30/660

A bound volume kept and illustrated by Rieweert Frerecks, of ships' journals of European and Greenland voyages 1733-1745 on which he was mate or master, with multiple images of the ships, and seals applied throughout. Frerecks was master of Die Hoffnung [a Hamburg merchant ship belonging to Nicolas Gottlieb Luetkens, taken on 23 August 1745 by the privateer Charming Molly, and brought into Deal], and this book came from his personal archive of papers on that ship.

  • pp0-17: Sun, master Henrich Fraam, with a pen and ink drawing of the ship, and the letters R F on p0. 1733.
  • pp18-32: Juffrau Marya Cantrina, master Robertus Flasyng, with a drawing of the ship on p18. 1734.
  • pp33-67: Jonge Pieter, master Ryik Pieterse de Jonge: with a drawing of the ship on p33. 1735-1736.
  • pp68-85: Fryheyt [Freiheit] van Altona, master Roelef Jansen, Rieweert Freraksen de Yong. 1737.
  • pp86-104: Jonge Fuss Elisabeth, master Peter Labee: Rieweert Freraksen de Jonge. 1737-1738.
  • pp105-139: Gaude Kroon, master Hoons Cournelis Strogs: Rieweert Freerecksen, with a drawing of the stern of the ship on p139. 1738.
  • pp140- 206: Gaude Kroon (or de Var Gulden Kroon), master Rieweert Freerecksen, with a drawing of the ship on p140 and a stylised monogram R with a crown on p177. 1739-1742.
  • p207: Freij Hijt [Freiheit], master Rolef Janssen. 1743.
  • pp208-246: Juffrauw Rebecca, master Jonas Starck. 1743-1744.
  • p247: Freij Hijt [Freiheit], master Joghem Hoog Tep. 1744.
  • pp248-269: Hoop (or Hoffnung), master Rieweert Frerecks, with a drawing of the hull of the ship on p 263. 1744-1745.
  • pp270-304: blank.
  • pp305-308: various drawings of Turkish galleys, ships with different rigs, and a calligraphic design on the letter R incorporating R F 1742 30 Maij, a crown, a garland and a standing cup. 1742.
  • pp309-310: a piece of religious prose starting"Martinius Luther". 23 September 1737.
  • pp311-312: miscellaneous notes.

Date: 1733-1745
Related material:

See also HCA 30/232-HCA 30/236, and HCA 32/115/14

Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Language: German
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description
Publication note:

Lucas Haasis, The Power of Persuasion. Becoming a Merchant in the 18th Century (2022); Haasis, 'Papier, das nötigt und Zeit, die drängt übereilt. Zur Materialität und Zeitlichkeit von Briefpraxis im 18. Jahrhundert und ihrer Handhabe', pp. 310-324 in Brendecke, Arndt (ed.): Praktiken der Frühen Neuzeit, (2015); Haasis, Noch bleibt mir ein Augenblick Zeit um mich mit Euch zu unterhalten, pp. 87-114 in Freist, Dagmar (ed.) Diskurse-Körper-Artefakte (2015)

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