Catalogue description Medical and surgical journal of HM convict ship Midas for 23 August 1826 to 1 March 1827...

Details of ADM 101/53/7
Reference: ADM 101/53/7

Medical and surgical journal of HM convict ship Midas for 23 August 1826 to 1 March 1827 by James Morice, surgeon and superintendent, during which time the said ship was employed in conveying prisoners from England to New South Wales.

Folios 1-3: W Smalley, aged 18, private, 39th Regiment; disease or hurt, intermittent fever. Put on sick list, 27 September 1826 in the Downs. The attacks of fever continued to come on at very irregular periods till the middle of November [1826]. They ceased altogether and he improved in strength and appearance and soon after went to his duty about the beginning of December. We experienced a great deal of damp oppressive weather when he was again seized as before and treated in the same manner. He afterwards occasionally did duty when the weather was fine but the least exposure to dampness brought on a relapse.

Folios 3-8: John Watts, aged 21, private, 39th Regiment; disease or hurt, severe pain across the thorax, difficulty of breathing, incessant cough and pain in the head, back and extremities, skin hot and dry. Tongue foul, bowels costive. Is of a plethoric habit of body and I learned that he fell asleep on deck two nights ago and remained there for several hours exposed to a heavy dew and smart frost. Put on sick list, 10 October 1826 at Spithead. Died 29 October 1826.

Folios 8-11: Michael McBride, aged 22, private, 39th Regiment; disease or hurt, complains of headache, pain all over body, cough and difficulty in breathing. Put on sick list, 12 October 1826 at Spithead. Died 20 October 1826.

Folios 11-12: John Jackson, aged 35, convict; disease or hurt, violent headache, pain in left side of thorax in the lumber region and extremities. Put on sick list, 24 November 1826 at sea. From 25 October 1826 he recovered rapidly without any other medicine than a smart purgative or two.

Folios 12-13: George Challen, aged 36, convict; disease or hurt, scalded by hot boiling water on face, body and extremities due to a sudden lurch of the ship. Put on sick list, 25 November 1826 at sea. Discharged 16 January 1827 with no disfigurement or stiffness of joints.

Folios 13-17: John Colville, aged 33, convict; disease or hurt, pain and stiffness of the knee joints. On examination found flexor muscles contrated, both legs swollen, the integuments a little below the inside of the patella of the right leg discoloured and painful when touched. No appearance of disease in the gums. Put on sick list, 3 December 1826 at sea. Died 14 January 1827.

Folios 17-20: William King, aged 31, convict; disease or hurt, pain and stiffness of the ankle joints leading to symptoms of scurvy. Put on sick list, 26 December 1826 at sea. Died 3 February 1827.

Folios 20-24: Thomas Hayes, aged 25, convict; disease or hurt, jaundice. Put on sick list, 7 January 1827 at sea. Died 30 January 1827.

Folios 24-27: John Hartley, aged 30, convict; disease or hurt, slight symptoms of scurvy. Put on sick list, 9 January 1827 at sea. On arrival at Sydney [12 February 1827] was transferred to the colonial hospital.

Folios 27-29: John Outram, aged [not stated], private, 39th Regiment; disease or hurt, accidental firing of musket which resulted in severe wound of cheek and mouth. Put on sick list, 9 January 1827 at sea. On arrival at Sydney [12 February 1827] marched with the detachment to the barracks.

Folios 29-32: John Drury, aged 26, convict; disease or hurt, slight symptoms of scurvy. Put on sick list, 16 January 1827 at sea. Discharged 14 February 1827 to the Colonial hospital at Sydney.

Folios 32-34: Joseph Wiskins, aged 51, convict; disease or hurt, slight scorbutic symptoms. Put on sick list, 16 January 1827 at sea. Discharged to the Colonial hospital at Sydney.

Folio 35: A numerical abstract of the medical cases mentioned in the journal.

Folios 35-36: Surgeon's general remarks.

Date: 1826-1827
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description

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