Catalogue description Medical journal of the Mary , female convict ship from 12 April to 3 November 1823 by...

Details of ADM 101/51/3
Reference: ADM 101/51/3

Medical journal of the Mary, female convict ship from 12 April to 3 November 1823 by Harman Cochrane, surgeon and superintendent, during which time the said ship was employed on a voyage to Van Dieman's Land and New South Wales.

Folios 1-3: Mary Parsons, aged 30, convict, taken ill off Woolwich; sick or hurt, embarked this afternoon, from Worcester in a weakly, sickly looking state, pain in her chest, cough and difficult respiration and considerably ematiated [emaciated] appears hectic; put on sick list 13 May 1823, sent 5 June 1823 to hospital ship Alonzo at Woolwich per order of Mr Capper, Secretary of States office.

Folios 4-5: Elizabeth Maddox, aged 27, convict, taken ill off Woolwich; sick or hurt, arrived this afternoon from Liverpool, complains of cough and pains in her breast and limbs the extremities very much swollen, anasarcous and covered with livid blotches; put on sick list 17 May 1823, sent 28 May 1823 back to prison in custody of Mr Amos per order of Mr Capper.

Folio 5: Mrs Rapsey, aged 26, passenger, taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, swelling and pain of the right side of her face supposed to be produced by a bad tooth; put on sick list 17 May 1823, discharged 19 June 1823 from list.

Folio 6: Susannah Wood, aged 3 months, convict's child, taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, very bad state of health from her berth, the bowels irregular and affection of the respiratory organs, apparently some malformation of the heart; put on sick list 15 June 1823, died 16 June 1823 at 4 am.

Folios 6-9: Ellen Hardgrave, aged 32, convict, taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, seasickness, menses appeared and have been to excess, sickness at stomach and throws a great quantity of vitiated bile; put on sick list 20 June 1823, sent 20 October 1823 to hospital at Sydney.

Folios 10-12: Ann Darter, aged 26, convict, taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, seized with most violent headache, no febrile action, her eyes were turgidity and heavy and the bowels partly open; put on sick list 21 June 1823, discharged 25 August 1823 from list.

Folios 12-18: Elizabeth Frindle, aged 29, convict, taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, frequently afflicted with cancrous [cancerous?] affections, seized with pain in her right side aggravated or full inspiration; put on sick list 23 June 1823, sent 6 October 1823 to hospital at Hobart Town.

Folios 18-19: Martha Dowling, aged 3, convict's child, taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, ascarides appeared in her stools, much febrile action; put on sick list 1 July 1823, died 5 July 1823 at 5 am.

Folios 19-20: Ann Simms, aged 25, convict, taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, severe pain in the stomach attended with sickness and vomiting of dark bilious matter; put on sick list 7 July 1823, discharged 21 July 1823 from list.

Folios 20-21: Sophia Stephenson, aged 30, convict, taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, vomiting and pain in her stomach and severe rheumatism; put on sick list 30 June 1823, discharged 14 July 1823 from list.

Folios 21-22: Sarah Dowling, aged 16, convict's child, taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, headache, general pains, languors and lassitude, nausea and sickness at stomach; put on sick list 12 July 1823, discharged 28 July 1823 from list.

Folios 22-23: Elizabeth Aarons, aged 8 months, convict's child, taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, bowels irregular, very much emaciated, she got three months suck and has been very badly taken care of; put on sick list 12 July 1823, died 19 July 1823 at 10 o'clock.

Folios 23-25: William Frindle, aged 13 months, convict's child, taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, unhealthy child, his mother also in a very bad state of health and has very little milk, he has been afflicted with diarrhoea; put on sick list 14 July 1823, died 26 July 1823 at 3 pm.

Folio 26: Catherine Baylies, aged 26, convict, taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, seasickness and irritability of stomach, and has not eaten the solid food the last five weeksm, she also had menorrhagia; put on sick list 17 July 1823, discharged 25 August 1823 from list.

Folios 27-29: Caroline Darter, aged 13 months, convict's child, taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, bowels very irregular, her mother has had very little milk for it, her bowels for the last week have been more disturbed and has had much irritability of stomach, her mother took no notice of it; put on sick list 24 July 1823, died 2 August 1823 at 3 am.

Folio 29: Margaret Ferguson, aged 26, convict, taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, sickness at stomach, vomiting and constipation of the bowels, pain in her left side and general debility; put on sick list 7 July 1823, discharged 21 July 1823 from list.

Folio 30: Jannet Brodie, aged 30, convict, taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, sickness at stomach, pains in her lower extremities which are now confined ti the ankles and are extremely severe, little swelling of the joints; put on sick list 30 July 1823, discharged 11 August 1823 from list.

Folios 31-34: Mary Gengell, aged 24, convict, taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, griping and very frequent calls to stool with straining and tenesmus; put on sick list 30 July 1823, sent 6 October 1823 to hospital at Hobart Town.

Folios 35-40: William Wood, aged 2 and a half, convict's child, taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, slight diarrhoea, about four weeks ago a pustular eruption appeared on his face, head and limbs; put on sick list 21 August 1823, died 12 September 1823 at 8 am.

Folios 41-42: Mrs Moore, aged 26, passenger, taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, delicate state of health and advanced state of pregnancy, suffered from variola, about two months ago caught a slight cold; put on sick list 19 September 1823, discharged 6 October 1823 from list.

Folios 43-44: Elizabeth Jones, aged 24, convict, taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, pulmoris affection and has not menstruated for five months past; put on sick list 19 September 1823, sent 6 October 1823 to hospital at Hobart Town.

Folios 44-45: Margret Murphy, aged 22, convict, taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, catarrh which has become worse the last two days, very troublesome cough and considerable dyspnoea; put on sick list 13 October 1823, sent 20 October 1823 to hospital at Sydney.

Folio 46: Blank.

Folio 47: numerical abstract of cases listed in the journal.

Folio 48: Surgeon's general remarks regarding the death of six children on account of deprivation of their natural nourishment. Signed Harman Cochrane, surgeon and superintendent. Date 3 November 1823.

Date: 1823
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description

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