Catalogue description Song, in French, by Renaus de Hoilande (so heading); Inc. `Si tost camis entant a ben...

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Details of E 163/22/1/2
Reference: E 163/22/1/2

Song, in French, by Renaus de Hoilande (so heading); Inc. `Si tost camis entant a ben amer';1f.; Printed in Thomas Wright, Anecdota Literaria (London, 1884), pp. 88-89; Wright says `It was kindly pointed out to me by the Rev. Joseph Hunter, who found it in a bundle of miscellaneous Exchequer documents in her Majesty's Remembrancer's Office'.

Date: [13th century]
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description

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