Catalogue description Anglesey - George Bradley Roose; Bedford - Francis John Budd, Francis Fisher; Berks -...

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Details of C 202/207/9
Reference: C 202/207/9

Anglesey - George Bradley Roose; Bedford - Francis John Budd, Francis Fisher; Berks - Edmund Lloyd; Bristol - Henry Pallin; Buckingham - Richard Gouge Barton, Thomas Hearn the younger; Cambridge - Charles Edwards; Carmarthen - Philip Griffith Jones; Chester - Robert Bennett the younger, Jonathan Lowe Chetham, George Reade the younger; Cornwall - John Ferris Bennallack; Cumberland - William Bragg, Richard Dixon, Joseph Wilson; Derby - William Edwards, Godfrey Heathcote; Devon - Walter Pomery Blackmore, Hinton East Drake, John Edward Elworthy, James Hooke, Jonathan Luxmoore; Dorset - William Burridge, Robert Dugdale, George Moore.

Date: 1819
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description

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