Catalogue description 7 items numbered (19), (23)-(24), (26) and (31)-(33) extracted from BT 43/184 . (19),...

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Details of EXT 4/2
Reference: EXT 4/2

7 items numbered (19), (23)-(24), (26) and (31)-(33) extracted from BT 43/184. (19), (23)-(24) and (26): 4 designs for paisley shawls; (31)-(33): 3 designs for shawl fringes

Date: 1850-1858
Related material:

For items numbered (1)-(18), (20)-(22), (25) and (27)-(30) see

EXT 3/5

Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Physical description: 2 roll(s)
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description

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