Catalogue description Cartulary of priory of St Mary, Coventry, compiled by William Haloughton. Mostly...

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Details of E 164/21
Reference: E 164/21

Cartulary of priory of St Mary, Coventry, compiled by William Haloughton. Mostly rentals, with some copies of charters. Annotations of c 16 updating tenures etc

Note: Cover: E 166/2/3 Flyleaves: E 163/22/2/27: from Digest of Justinian, Corpus Iuris Civilis Edition: (translation of ff 25-43 only) The Register of the Cathedral Priory of St Mary, Coventry: the Pittancer's Rental, 1410-1411, ed A and E A Gooder (Birmingham, 1973) G R C Davis, Medieval Cartularies of Great Britain (London, 1958), no 276
Date: c 12 Hen IV
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Former reference in its original department: 12
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description

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