Catalogue description Miscellaneous (General): Prisoners, including: Legal status of enemy aliens in South...

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Details of FO 383/352
Reference: FO 383/352

Miscellaneous (General): Prisoners, including:

Legal status of enemy aliens in South Africa.

Enquiry concerning the welfare of Captain George Higginbotham, of the SS Apsleyhall taken prisoner by a German submarine and other personnel of merchant vessels sunk in the Mediterranean.

Enquiry concerning the welfare and whereabouts of the crew of SS Eptalofos.

Enquiry from Mrs C J Evans for her husband, Captain of the steamship Iolo captured by a German submarine.

Enquiry concerning Captain Thomas Ashley and the crew of trawler Margate.

List of merchant seamen and fishermen interned in Germany, Austro-Hungary and Turkey.

Account of the sinking of SS Antinoe by crew members Joseph Portelli, Joseph Cachia, Antonio Caruana and Angelo de Georgio, all of Cardiff.

Request for help for August Waldman and I Pitman, Captain and Gunner of the steamer Achilles, taken prisoner when their ship was sunk.

Chamber of Shipping suggestions concerning enquiries and remittances for interned officers of the Mercantile Marine.

Recognition of the services of the Danish Red Cross and specifically Ernest Van Loon.

Work of the Government Committee on the treatment of British prisoners by the enemy.

Proposed appointment of an expert indexer including a printed copy of Instructions for the Guidance of Secretaries of Temporary Commissions and Committees.

Agenda of a meeting of the Interdepartmental Committee on Prisoners including reduction of the Austro-Hungarian age limit; publication of reports on camps in Germany where British prisoners are interned; whether ensigns assimilate to officers for the purpose of camp treatment.

Minutes of a meeting of the Interdepartmental Committee on Prisoners including the publication of US reports on camps in Germany; repatriation of Grohmann, an Austrian subject; the reduction of the Austro-Hungarian age limit; repatriation of ordained Basle missionaries; retention in Germany of certain British officers passed for transfer to Switzerland; reciprocal notification of sentences passed on British and German combatant prisoners of war.

Minutes of a meeting of the Interdepartmental Committee on Prisoners including the repatriation of Grohmann, an Austrian subject; the repatriation of German and Austrian civilians.

Minutes of a meeting of the Interdepartmental Committee on Prisoners including the repatriation of civilians over 45; general exchange of British and German civilians and the transfer of British civilians to a neutral country; invalid civilians from India; exchange of British and Turkish invalid combatant prisoners.

Minutes of a meeting of the Interdepartmental Committee on Prisoners including a proposal for raising certain civilians at Ruhleben to officer's rank for purpose of receiving parcels direct from relatives; parcels for non-interned persons in enemy countries; parcels for British and German prisoners; pay for Turkish prisoners of war.

Minutes of a meeting of the Interdepartmental Committee on Prisoners relating to the repatriation of invalid civilians and individual exchanges.

Minutes of a meeting of the Interdepartmental Committee on Prisoners including a conference with the Turks; agreement for exchange with Austria; election of civilians for transfer to Holland; status of retired officers; accommodation in Holland; visits of relatives to Holland; leave from Holland; order in which categories will be treated and priority of Austrians and Germans.

Minutes of a meeting of the Interdepartmental Committee on Prisoners including employment of civilian prisoners; schedule for repatriation of civilians; arrangements at Boston for repatriation of prisoners; Basle missionaries.

Procès Verbal of the Russian, German and Austrian Red Cross Societies Conference held in Stockholm in December 1916.

Consignments from US for Copenhagen Prisoners of War Help Committee.

Study of Eastern languages for prisoners at Ahmednagar.

Parcels for prisoners in Turkey, Bulgaria and Switzerland.

Booklet entitled Forms issued in connection with the work of the Central Prisoners of War Committee.

Question as to whether the Central Prisoners of War Committee is under the control of the War Office or the Prisoners of War Department.

Booklet entitled Handbook to the Work, Constitution, and Rules of the Central Prisoners of War Committee.

Request for permission to send tennis balls to prisoners in Germany.

Report of the Joint Committee on the organisation and methods of the Central Prisoners of War Committee.

Bread for prisoners of war sent by Camilla Picton-Warlow via the Central Prisoners of War Committee.

Orders for food placed through the Central Prisoners of War Committee for Committees established in neutral countries.

Conference to consider the report of the Joint Committee on the organisation and methods of the Central Prisoners of War Committee.

List of Care Committees and packing associations for prisoners of war.

Allowance of personal parcels to prisoners from their relatives.

Notes on the conference of representatives of Care Committees and the Central Prisoners of War Committee.

Exchange of the crew of the cruiser Dresden for an equal number of officers and crew of British nationality.

Issue of statement in the press concerning enquiries for missing relatives addressed to the Embassy at Madrid by British subjects.

Enquiry from Mr H C Begg concerning the welfare of his son 2nd Lieutenant H B Begg, 24th Squadron of the Royal Flying Corps.

Enquiries for missing naval officers.

Enquiries for Flight Lieutenants Joshua M Ingham and John E Maxwell.

Notification of the death of Flight Sub-Lieutenant Walter E Traynon.

Notification of the death of Flight Commander C R MacKenzie.

Enquiries for Flight Lieutenants Allan S Todd and Warner H Peberdy.

Transmission of private correspondence from UK to enemy countries.

Enquiry concerning Flight Commander H E Read.

Repatriation or transfer to neutral country of prisoners.

Examination of documents to or from abroad by the Postal Censor.

Enquiries for Lieutenant M W Markham, reported missing.

Enquiries for Flight Lieutenant Edgar Robinson and Flight Sub-Lieutenant Jenks.

Procedure for enquiring into missing persons.

Proposed conference of societies occupied in tracing missing officers and men.

Code 1250 Files 3903-13931.

Date: 1917
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Former reference in its original department: Files 3903-13931.
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Language: English and French
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description

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