Catalogue description Germany: Prisoners, including: Prisoners interned at Ruhleben: H W Hopf, invalid...

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Details of FO 383/27
Reference: FO 383/27

Germany: Prisoners, including:

Prisoners interned at Ruhleben:

  • H W Hopf, invalid civilian: enquiries from his wife, Mrs Marianne Hopf of Rugby; subsequent report from J Galbraith Horn, released prisoner now in Paris, about his experiences whilst interned at Ruhleben.
  • M S Pritchard: enquiry from the British Red Cross and Order of St John.
  • William J Crossland Briggs: enquiry from his father, C H Briggs of Shipley, Yorkshire.
  • William Stern: release in exchange for invalid German prisoner; representations from C T Needham MP of Manchester.
  • Councillor W Butterworth: possible exchange; list of German subjects in UK for whom German Government understood willing to make an individual release (in docket no.126157).
  • Rev Ernest R Breakwell, detained as a suspect in Germany, but claiming release as a cleric; despatch of second certificate of his ordination; subsequent removal to a sanatorium, and German decision that his occupation was a painter.

Francis Gribble: enquiry from his wife, Eva Gribble in Holland, regarding his possible inclusion in exchange of invalid civilians.

F W Haydon, interned at Ruhleben: enquiry from his wife, Annie Haydon of Leeds.

Mr Frankel, interned at Ruhleben: enquiries from his wife, Mrs Kate Frankel of Norwich, regarding his possible release as a member of a civilian Red Cross society.

Robert Fulton, invalid prisoner in Germany: enquiry from his cousin, Lord Joicey, regarding his possible inclusion in an invalid exchange.

James Barclay, invalid civilian in Dr Weiler's sanatorium, Berlin.

William Walter Brooks Warner, a superintendent of Eastern Telegraph Company, interned as an invalid civilian at Ruhleben.

Henri S Béland, former Postmaster General of Canada, detained in Germany: enquiries from the Empire Parliamentary Association.

Percy C Hull, sub-Canon of Hereford Cathedral, interned at Ruhleben: German Government refusal to his release as not an ecclesiastical.

H W Hopf and F W Hanson, detained in Germany: enquiries from wife, Mrs Marianne Hopf of Rugby, and from the High Commissioner for the Union of South Africa, regarding their possible exchange.

Max Gusofsky, Jewish operatic and dramatic artist, detained as an invalid civilian in Ruhleben: enquiry from his wife, Mrs Ray Gusofsky of Mile End, London.

Arthur Williams, invalid in Ruhleben: despatch of medical certificate; includes list of names of individual cases since agreement for exchange of invalid civilians (in docket no.133707).

Joseph Frankel, detained in Ruhleben: correspondence from his wife, Mrs Kate Frankel of Norwich, regarding his possible release as a member of a civilian Red Cross society, with papers, letters and photographs (of individuals, and a group one of staff at St Bernard's Hospital, near Mons) in support of contention, including copies of parish magazine from St Stephen's Church, Clapham Park, London, and The Church Standard, October 1914 (in docket no.133925); subsequent German Governement refusal to allow his release.

Charles James Niblett: request to the Foreign Office from Harry Niblett for the return of the copy of his birth certificate previously remitted.

Prisoners interned at Ruhleben:

  • Wallis Savage, former secretary of Lynn and Hamburg Steamship Compamy in Hamburg: enquiry from his brother, H F Savage of Mark Lane, London.
  • Alfred van Rompaey, Australian British subject, an employee of Kreglinger and Fernau of London.
  • Henry Cortlandt Melville: transmission of baptismal certificate with view to his release when aged 55 years.

Thomas Watkin, British civil prisoner: death in Dr Weiler's sanatorium, Berlin; notification from Dr Weiler, and to Watkin's' wife, Mrs W Watkin of Grimsby.

Mr C Lewis, released prisoner residing in East Dulwich: notification from 3rd London General Hospital, Wandsworth, of him being a civilian prisoner.

James Gray, head of a school in Hanover, with a German wife, retained as a prisoner at Hallstrasse: enquiry from Rev R Wilson of Castle Douglas.

J O'Hara Murray, invalid civilian held at Ruhleben: enquiry from friend, Robert A Smith of Westminster.

Gordon Stewart Nicoll, detained in Germany under 17 years of age.

Detention of British invalid civilians: note verbale from German Government informing of decision in cases enquired into by HM Government.

Mr Muller, Australian interned in Ruhleben.

British civilians claimed for release as invalids: German Government refusal to transmit to medical authorities lists and certificates.

Dr J Layton, detained in Germany: possible release if Belgian Government make requisite communication regarding his status with Belgian Red Cross.

Frederick Anderson, US citizen interned in Ruhleben as a British civilian prisoner of war.

Walter Gouda, British subject interned at outbreak of war when acting as continental manager for the Rossia Insurance Company in Berlin, now in Ruhleben.

Robert Rendall, detained in Germany: enquiry from his father, C N Rendall of Eastleigh.

Prisoners interned at Ruhleben:

  • Philip Frederic William Simon: enquiry from his wife, Mrs Augusta Simon of Queen's Gate.
  • Percy Arnold Brown, invalid civilian: enquiry from Muriel Edgcumbe Martin of Derby on behalf of his mother.
  • Lewis Grote Beaumont: Ministry of Munitions wish for his release for munitions work; enquiry from his mother, Mrs E A Beaumont of Holyhead; subsequent suggestion for exchange for Franz Behrens, German professor interned at Wakefield.

Captain W J Lockhart, civilian prisoner of war in Dr Weiler's sanatorium, Berlin.

Prisoners interned at Ruhleben:

  • Charles Freegrove Winzer: possible release as a member of French Red Cross.
  • Captain Edwin J Wattley, former master of SS Oswestry, aged over 60 years of age and interned in Ruhleben: enquiry from Messrs Sivewright, Bacon and Co regarding his possible release following case of Henry Karle of Manchester; with newspaper extract (in docket no.176395).
  • W S Cohn: enquiry from US ambassador.
  • Jacob Zemaehovitz: enquiries from Government of Union of South Africa.
  • Arthur James Chambers, invalid civilian: enquiry from his father, Rev James Chambers, chaplain of English Episcopal Church, Amsterdam.
  • Charles O'Donnell, marine engineer: enquiries from his local MP for his release as his wife and nine surviving children need assistance.

British subjects detained unlawfully: cases of James Gray (or Grey) and wife, and Samuel Percy Reed.

Stanley Grimm, interned in Ruhleben: possible release on medical grounds.

Gabriel Hohoff, interned in Ruhleben: enquiry from his wife, Mrs Beatrice Hohoff (née Beatrice Cheyne) of Kensington, London.

Code 1218 File 119 (papers 126026-end).

Date: 1915
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Former reference in its original department: File 119 (pp.126026-end).
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description

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