Catalogue description Assizes: North and South Wales Circuit, Chester and North Wales Division: Crown Books

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Details of ASSI 62
Reference: ASSI 62
Title: Assizes: North and South Wales Circuit, Chester and North Wales Division: Crown Books

This North and South Wales Circuit, Chester and North Wales Division series record details of prisoners tried, convicted, acquitted and discharged at the assizes. They normally give the name of the prisoner, the offence, verdict of the jury, and the sentence. Additional information about the trial, eg 'pleaded guilty' or 'discharged', is occasionally included.

Date: 1835-1883
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Language: English

Justices of Assize, North Wales Circuit, 1830-1945

Physical description: 9 volume(s)

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