Catalogue description HO 42. Letters and papers.

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Details of HO 42/44
Reference: HO 42/44
Description: HO 42. Letters and papers.
Note: To limit repetition in the Catalogue, individual addressees working in the Home Office have not normally been named at item level. In this piece, except where stated, correspondence received directly by the Home Office had either been addressed to the Home Secretary (Duke of Portland) or to one of the Under-Secretaries (John King and William Wickham), or the addressee had not been identifiable from the surviving text. Original addressees outside the Home Office of material subsequently passed there are always stated where identifiable.
Date: 1798 July 01-1798 Sept 30

The digital images of these records were taken from old microfilm copies. A later cataloguing project restored the chronological arrangement of the papers and re-foliated the pages. As a result, the folio numbering of the catalogue descriptions for individual items does not match the numbering of the digital images, and some images may appear out of sequence.

Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Language: English
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description
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