Catalogue description Prisoner name: Stephen Lawrence, aged 53 years; (convicted with George Wyborn). Court...

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Details of HO 18/27/42
Reference: HO 18/27/42

Prisoner name: Stephen Lawrence, aged 53 years; (convicted with George Wyborn).

Court and Date of Trial: Dover Quarter Sessions [Kent], April 1840.

Crime: Larceny, namely stealing various articles of furniture and other items from William Struthers.

Initial sentence: Seven years transportation.

Gaoler's Report: 'Character not known'.

Outcome: 'Nil'.

Petitions and letters: Petitions from Stephen Lawrence (the prisoner); Lydia Lawrence (wife) four applications; letter from [Colonial Office] forwarding the wife's misdirected second petition to the Home Department; judge's unfavourable report on the case stating his belief that the prisoner may have been part of a smuggling gang for many years that killed a revenue officer; grounds for clemency cited as his receiving the furniture on behalf of a friend who was about to be distrained for non-payment of rent and that he had no knowledge that the items were stolen.

Date: 1840
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Former reference in its original department: 27/42
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description

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