Catalogue description Printed prize appeal from the Vice-Admiralty Court of Nova Scotia. Captured ship: Reward...

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Details of HCA 45/66/21
Reference: HCA 45/66/21

Printed prize appeal from the Vice-Admiralty Court of Nova Scotia.

Captured ship: Reward (master Amos Hill).

Nationality: American.

History: bound from Salem, Massachusetts to Lisbon, laden with flour, peas and fish; taken on 10 October 1812 by the privateer General Smyth (Joseph Rideant commanding), and brought into St John, New Brunswick.

Appellant: John Black of Halifax for the ship and cargo, on behalf of William Orne merchant of Salem, as protected by a British licence granted by Herbert Sawyer commander-in-chief, Halifax Station, to supply HM forces on the Iberia Peninsular.

Respondent: The captor and HMPG.

Bound printed appeal with manuscript decree of 9 July 1814 (folios 374-384) [no folios 379, 385].

Decision: ship and cargo to be restored as claimed, subject to payment of expenses on behalf of the Crown.

Folios 374-376: case on behalf of the appellant; Folio 376: decree; Folios 377-379: case on behalf of the respondent; Folios 380-384: appendix

Date: 1814
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description

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