Catalogue description Records of the Research and Technology Requirements and Perspectives Division

Details of Division within PV
Reference: Division within PV
Title: Records of the Research and Technology Requirements and Perspectives Division

Records relating to the energy conservation scheme are in PV 11.

Date: 1977-1982
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Language: English

Department of Industry, 1974-1983

Physical description: 1 series
Access conditions: Records not yet transferred
Administrative / biographical background:

The Division was set up in 1977 along with Research Establishment Management Division and the Research and Technology Requirements and Space Division. It was responsible for servicing the Research and Development Requirements Boards, liaison with the EC, universities and the Science Research Council and energy conservation. It also advised the Chief Scientist on general policy issues and coordinated the department's research and development resources. The Division commissioned and conducted studies on policy, organisation and longer term strategy for the Chief Scientist and Engineer, the Industry Divisions, the Requirements Boards and the Research Establishments. Initially there were two branches:- Branch 1, which was concerned with servicing the Requirements Boards and liaison with other scientific establishments, and Branch 2, which concentrated on developing and advising on scientific and technological policy matters. By 1978 Branch 3 had been created to share the work of servicing the Boards, manage divisional finance and administration and the Energy Conservation Scheme. In 1982 there was a further reorganisation and the division was abolished, its work being undertaken by the Research and Technology Policy Division.

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