Catalogue description Adrian Winston James; Greville Ewan Janner; Denis Jebb; Vivian Gareth Jenkins; Richard...

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Opening date: 01 January 2053

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Details of LCO 22/59
Reference: LCO 22/59

Adrian Winston James; Greville Ewan Janner; Denis Jebb; Vivian Gareth Jenkins; Richard Edward Coxhead Jewell; Michael Graham Johnston; Marcus David Jones; William Edgar Jones; William Harry Reynolds Jones; Ashraf Remtulla Karim; Shamin Aktar Karim; Cecil Kenworthy; Philip Charles Stones Kershaw; Myer Alan Barry King-Hamilton; M S Kirk; Brian Koffman; Gordon Robert Lang; Dominik Lasok; Cecil Thomas Latham; Michael M Lawrence; Frederick Horace Lawton; Mark Le Mesurier; Howard Albert Leftley; Cyril Hugh Lewis; Raymond Joseph Lewis; Roger S G Limbert; Julain Linskill; Ilston Percival Llewellyn Jones; J E Lockyer; Anthony Laurie Lodde; Geoffrey Anthony Lord; Alexander Ward Lyon; john T Lyons; Rudolph Lyons; Francis Lythgoe; John Morrison Macdonald; Alexander Irvine Mackenzie; Frederick Christian Madsen; Ronald Geoffrey Manning; Michael John Waller Marsh; John Marshall; Brian Maurice Martin; John Noel Martin; Oliver Samuel Martin; James William Mason; Jai Narain Mathur; Edwin James Thomas Matthews; Kenneth John Meek; John Leigh Mellor; John Charles Kenneth Mercer; David Gilbourne Merchant; Anthony Frederick Merrett; Walter Richard Krebs Merrylees; Ellis Raymond Meyer; Robert J McAra; Denis Brian McGilligan; Lawrence Middleweek; J Miles; John Joseph Miller; Sarah Elizabeth Barbara Miller; Philip Robert Millest; John William Mills; Andrew James Milne; George Milner; John W Milns; John Frederic Milward; Edwin Ronald Mitchell; John Vere Brooke Mockett; Peter Douglas Moore; John Brian Morcom; John Duncan Morrison; Charles Heron Mullan; G P Muttrie; Martin Anthony Nathan; John Anthony Nevin; John Swindale Nixon; Melvyn C Odell; Bernard Laurence Owen; Philip Loscombe Wintringham Owen; Michael S C Paterson; Charles Ian Mitchell Percy; John Dysart Peterkin; Henry John Lawrence Phillips; Derek Keith Picken; Barry Pinson; James Charles Potter; Sidney Prevezer; Julian Wernet Priest; Guy George Morris Pritchett; Gerald H Procter; Alan Walter Kenneth Rabson; Mian Habibur Rahman; Richard Wordsworth Hamilton Raikes; Robert William Raper; James Edward Rawlinson; Anthony J Redfern; Charles Trevor Reeve; Ronald Peter Reimann; Byron Richards; Thomas Colville Richards; Ivo Charles Clayton Rigby

Date: 1982 Jan 01 - 1992 Dec 31
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Closure status: Closed Or Retained Document, Open Description
Access conditions: Closed For 60 years
Closure criterion: Commercial and personal information supplied in confidence
Lord Chancellor's Instrument: LCI 151 - Series containing both closure and accelerated opening instruments
LCI signed date: 2000 February 21
Record opening date: 01 January 2053

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