Catalogue description Francis Claud COCKBURN, alias Frank PITCAIRN: British. In 1933 COCKBURN, a former...

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Details of KV 2/1553
Reference: KV 2/1553

Francis Claud COCKBURN, alias Frank PITCAIRN: British. In 1933 COCKBURN, a former 'Times' journalist, started his own political publication 'The Week' which gained a reputation for having inside sources of information. In 1936, under the name Frank Pitcairn, he reported on the Spanish Civil War for the 'Daily Worker', later becoming its Foreign Editor. In 1939 he was a leading British Communist Party member and was said to be a leader of the Comintern in Western Europe. Throughout the Second World War he remained an active Communist

Date: 1940 Jan 01 - 1940 Dec 31
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Former reference in its original department: PF 41685 VOLS 21-22
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description
Access conditions: Retained Until 2004
Record opening date: 30 March 2004

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