Catalogue description Tax cases 1777, 1814 and 1948: Evans Medical Supplies Ltd v Moriarty (HM Inspector of...

This record is closed

Opening date: 01 January 2043

Details of IR 40/11961
Reference: IR 40/11961

Tax cases 1777, 1814 and 1948: Evans Medical Supplies Ltd v Moriarty (HM Inspector of Taxes); appeal against assessment of schedule 'D'. Two parts

Date: 1954-1958
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Former reference in its original department: T2004/85/55
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Closure status: Closed Or Retained Document, Open Description
Access conditions: Closed For 84 years
FOI decision date: 2008
Exemption: Personal information where the applicant is a 3rd party
Explanation: These pieces contain personal tax information on named individuals (aged at least 16), provided in confidence. Previously closed by LCIs 46, 61, 67, 71, 73, 75, 97 or 111.
Record opening date: 01 January 2043

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