Catalogue description Content: Folio 24. Letter from George Spencer, Clerk to the guardians of the Keighley...

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Details of MH 12/15161/16
Reference: MH 12/15161/16
Content: Folio 24. Letter from George Spencer, Clerk to the guardians of the Keighley Poor Law Union, to the Poor Law Board. He wishes to acknowledge the receipt of a letter dated 12 February 1851 stating that the Poor Law Board have received a letter from their inspector, Mr Austin, regarding a letter from Mr Brown [Mr Browne], Inspector of Schools, about the case of two boys in the Bingley workhouse who were sent out to work in the neighbourhood and who were not being provided with an education. The Board requested that they be told of any arrangements that were being made for them and any other children in the workhouse. He wishes to inform them that one of the boys (Eli Smith) who is naturally a very dull boy is going out of the workhouse to live with his grandfather and support himself. The other boy, Watson Longbottom, is also going out the workhouse with a view to maintaining himself. The other five boys and two girls in the workhouse all go to the National School in the town for six hours a day. He wishes to observe that in respect of the other boys and girls in the workhouse are of an age to work in the factories that this is the best employment that they can give them and that this is the usual employment for children in this union. By these means they are taught three hours a day as required by the factory act 7 Vic c 15 s 58. The guardians trust that there will be no objection to them finding them employment. Paper Number: 12704/1851. Poor Law Union Number 571. Counties: Yorkshire West Riding.
Date: 13 Mar 1851
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Language: English
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description

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