Catalogue description Folio 2: 9 May 1828 at Deptford, joined the Albion, male convict ship. Having never seen...

Details of ADM 101/1/9/1
Reference: ADM 101/1/9/1

Folio 2: 9 May 1828 at Deptford, joined the Albion, male convict ship. Having never seen before the dispositions of a prison-ship. I examined those of the Albion with much interest. They seemed to be judicious and proved that considerable attention had been bestowed in perfecting this melancholy service. On the following day (10 May) the guard came on board. It consisted of a lieutenant, sergeant, corporal, 28 privates, 5 women and 8 children.

Folio 2: case no 1; Mr Dale, 2nd mate, taken ill at Deptford; sick or hurt, urticaria. Had eaten crabs; Put on sick list 15 May 1828, discharged 16 May 1828 cured.

Folio 2: case no 2; Mr Parry, 3rd mate, taken ill at Deptford; sick or hurt, wound of shin; Put on sick list 15 May 1828, discharged 4 June 1828 cured.

Folios 2-3: case no 3; Patrick Fitzgerald, soldier 63rd regt, taken ill at Deptford; sick or hurt, ophthalmia; Put on sick list 15 May 1828, date of discharge unknown.

Folio 2: 16 May 1828 at Woolwich. Towed down by the Harlequin steam boat, the Albion anchored in the evening close to the hulk Justitia. The prisons were previously prepared for receiving the convicts by thorough cleaning.

Folios 2-6: case no 4; Patrick Doyle, soldier 63rd regt, taken ill at Woolwich; sick or hurt, ulcer through the frenum penis; Put on sick list 16 May 1828, date of discharge, unknown.

Folio 2: 17-18 May 1828; no new cases admitted on the list.

Folios 2-3: 19 May 1828; twelve convicts were received from the hulk Ganymede, and sixty from the Justitia, they had all been examined previously to their coming on board the Albion. They all appeared to be healthy, were clean in their persons and dressed in a new suit of convict's clothes. The sick list as it was yesterday; treatment also the same.

Folios 3-4: case no 5; Francis Cox, aged 20, soldier 63rd regt, taken ill at Woolwich; sick or hurt, febris; Put on sick list 20 May 1828, discharged 4 June 1828 cured.

Folio 3: case no 6; Mrs Easton, soldier's wife, taken ill at Woolwich; sick or hurt, diarrhoea; Put on sick list 20 May 1828, discharged 22 May 1828 cured.

Folio 3: case no 7; Isaac Watts, convict, taken ill at Woolwich; sick or hurt, contortion genu; Put on sick list 20 May 1828, date of discharge unknown.

Folio 3: case no 8; Peter Campbell, convict, taken ill at Woolwich; sick or hurt, cephalea; Put on sick list 20 May 1828, date of discharge unknown.

Folio 3: case no 9; George Barbarrow, convict, taken ill at Woolwich; sick or hurt, ulcer of back, resulting from 500 lashes previously received; Put on sick list 20 May 1828, date of discharge unknown.

Folio 3: case no 10; Robert Clarkson, convict, taken ill at Woolwich; sick or hurt, ulcer of shin; Put on sick list 20 May 1828, date of discharge unknown.

Folio 3: case no 11; Thomas Bishop, convict, taken ill at Woolwich; sick or hurt, wound thumb; Put on sick list 20 May 1828, date of discharge unknown.

Folio 3: case no 12; Thomas Wyld, convict, taken ill at Woolwich; sick or hurt, vertigo, suspected of being a sham; Put on sick list 20 May 1828, date of discharge unknown.

Folio 3: case no 13; William Hawkins, convict, taken ill at Woolwich; sick or hurt, catarrh; Put on sick list 20 May 1828, discharged 22 May 1828 cured.

Folio 3: 20 May 1828; Windsails are in use. At 6 pm the Albion sailed and anchored at 11 o'clock in the half-way Reach.

Folio 3: case no 14; Samuel Holland, convict, taken ill at North Fleet; sick or hurt, small sore; Put on sick list 21 May 1828, date of discharge unknown.

Folio 3: case no 15; Joshua Tideswell, convict, taken ill at North Fleet; sick or hurt, diarrhoea; Put on sick list 21 May 1828, discharged 22 May 1828 cured.

Folio 3: case no 16; James Hall, convict, taken ill at North Fleet; sick or hurt, catarrhus; Put on sick list 21 May 1828, date of discharge unknown.

Folio 3: case no 17; William McKay, convict, taken ill at North Fleet; sick or hurt, catarrhus; Put on sick list 21 May 1828, discharged 22 May 1828 cured.

Folio 3: 20 May 1828; the Albion being at anchor in the afternoon, at 6 pm Albion weighed and came to the same night in the Lower Hope.

Folio 3: case no 18; Francis Unwin, convict, taken ill off the Nore; sick or hurt, catarrhus; Put on sick list 22 May 1828, date of discharge unknown.

Folio 3: case no 19; James Beaken, convict, taken ill off the Nore; sick or hurt, catarrhus; Put on sick list 22 May 1828, date of discharge unknown.

Folio 3: case no 20; Charles Rootsey, convict, taken ill off the Nore; sick or hurt, catarrhus; Put on sick list 22 May 1828, date of discharge unknown.

Folio 3: case no 21; Samuel G Owen, convict, taken ill off the Nore; sick or hurt, diarrhoea; Put on sick list 22 May 1828, date of discharge unknown.

Folio 3: case no 22; James Roberts, convict, taken ill off the Nore; sick or hurt, small ulcer od shin; Put on sick list 22 May 1828, date of discharge unknown.

Folio 3: 22 May 1828; at 6 pm arrived at the Nore and at 8 o'clock anchored off the town.

Folio 3-27: case no 23; William Crew, convict, taken ill at Sheerness; sick or hurt, catarrhus; Put on sick list 23 May 1828, died 31 October 1828 at 1 pm.

Folio 3: case no 24; George Dickson, convict, taken ill at Sheerness; sick or hurt, catarrhus; Put on sick list 23 May 1828, date of discharge unknown.

Folio 3: case no 25; Ben[jamin] Rumbold, convict, taken ill at Sheerness; sick or hurt, catarrhus; Put on sick list 23 May 1828, date of discharge unknown.

Folio 3: case no 26; George Homer, convict, taken ill at Sheerness; sick or hurt, catarrhus; Put on sick list 23 May 1828, date of discharge unknown.

Folio 3: case no 27; Richard Voughn, convict, taken ill at Sheerness; sick or hurt, rheumatism; Put on sick list 23 May 1828, date of discharge unknown.

Folio 3: case no 28; William McDonald, convict, taken ill at Sheerness; sick or hurt, ulcer of throat and excorated glans penis; Put on sick list 23 May 1828, date of discharge unknown.

Folio 3: 23 May 1828; fifty convicts were received from the hulk Retribution.

Folio 3: case no 29; Francis Holland, convict, taken ill at Sheerness; sick or hurt, phlegmon; Put on sick list 24 May 1828, date of discharge unknown.

Folio 3: 24 May 1828; received 60 convicts from the hulk Dolphin and 10 from the Euryalus. Our compliment of 192 is therefore now complete.

Folio 4: case no 29 [30]; Thomas Gleason, soldier's child, taken ill at Sheerness; sick or hurt, diarrhoea; Put on sick list 25 May 1828, discharged 27 May 1828 cured.

Folio 4: case no 30 [31]; James Speight, convict, taken ill at Sheerness; sick or hurt, phlegmon; Put on sick list 25 May 1828, date of discharge unknown.

Folio 4: case no 31 [32]; Joshua Poole, convict, taken ill at Sheerness; sick or hurt, phlegmon; Put on sick list 25 May 1828, date of discharge unknown.

Folio 4: case no 32 [33]; William Blackmore, convict, taken ill at Sheerness; sick or hurt, paronychia; Put on sick list 25 May 1828, date of discharge unknown.

Folio 4: case no 33 [34]; James Arrow, convict, taken ill at Sheerness; sick or hurt, small sore; Put on sick list 25 May 1828, date of discharge unknown.

Folio 4: case no 34 [35]; Joshua Chicket, convict, taken ill at Sheerness; sick or hurt, catarrhus; Put on sick list 25 May 1828, date of discharge unknown.

Folio 4: case no 35 [36]; George Fretwell, convict, taken ill at Sheerness; sick or hurt, catarrhus; Put on sick list 25 May 1828, date of discharge unknown.

Folio 4: case no 36 [37]; John Quiball, convict, taken ill at Sheerness; sick or hurt, catarrhus; Put on sick list 25 May 1828, date of discharge unknown.

Date: 1828
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description

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