Catalogue description Records of the Inspectorate of Nuclear Installations and successors

Details of Division within POWE
Reference: Division within POWE
Title: Records of the Inspectorate of Nuclear Installations and successors

Records reflecting the creating bodies' responsibilities in relation to nuclear safety standards, including the inspection and licensing of nuclear plants and sites.

These records not yet been transferred. Registered files of the Inspectorate of Nuclear Installations and successors may be found in POWE 74. Correspondence and papers of the Atomic Energy Division, which were destined for POWE 48, have instead been transferred to EG 1

Date: 1957-1998
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Language: English

Ministry of Power, Inspectorate of Nuclear Installations, 1960-1968

Physical description: 2 series
Administrative / biographical background:

Nuclear Safety Division (NSD) was originally created within the Ministry of Power in 1960 as the Inspectorate of Nuclear Installations, following the Nuclear Installations (Licensing and Insurance) Act 1959. On its transfer to the Ministry of Technology in 1968 it changed its title to Nuclear Installations Inspectorate; it continued using this title on its subsequent transfers to the Department of Trade and Industry in 1972 and to the Department of Energy in 1974. In 1975, it became part of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

NSD decides on behalf of HSE, and independently of any government department with responsibilities for the nuclear power programme, what is acceptable in terms of nuclear safety standards. Its responsibilities involve the inspection and licensing of nuclear plants and sites, which include those operated by the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority and the Ministry of Defence, but NSD's brief specifically excludes propulsive plants. Its duties are to see that appropriate safety standards are developed, achieved and maintained by licensees of nuclear sites, and to ensure that any necessary safety precautions are taken. NSD monitors and regulates the safety of each plant which has been granted a licence, by means of the powers exercised by NSD under the licence and related regulations. NSD is responsible for the assessment of the safety of proposed sites and nuclear plant designs, for establishing safety requirements for the protection of workers and members of the public, and for inspecting sites to ensure compliance with requirements at all stages from construction to decommissioning.

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