Catalogue description Deeds and papers relating to the estate of the Nichols family, purchased from the Kitelee family, in Castlethorpe and Hanslope

This record is held by Buckinghamshire Archives

Details of D208
Reference: D208
Title: Deeds and papers relating to the estate of the Nichols family, purchased from the Kitelee family, in Castlethorpe and Hanslope

This collection of deeds and papers relate to an estate in Castlethorpe and Hanslope. This was built up by William Kitelee d. 1798, his brother Joseph Kitelee d. 1791 and Joseph's son Joseph, who eventually sold the estate to William Nichols in 1840. The deeds have been arranged by property according to the order in which they were acquired by each member of the Kitelee family. Some of the deeds were in original bundles which have been preserved


D208/1 Property of William Kitelee (d.1798)


D208/1/1 Messuage with Home Close etc and land in common fields, Hanslope and Castlethorpe


D208/1/2 Breach Close, Hanslope


D208/1/3 Messuage called Bartletts with land, Hanslope


D208/2/2 Property of Joseph Kitelee the elder (d.1791)


D208/2/1 Close by Rose Lane, la in Emberland Field and 4 hades by Rogers Land Close, Hanslope


D208/2/2 Property on Long Street, Hanslope


D208/3/3 Property of Joseph Kitelee, the younger


D208/3/1 4 houses on Wood End Lane, pasture on Long Street, Hanslope


D208/3/2 Close of pasture, Wood End Lane


D208/3/3 Tenement on Long Street


D208/3/4 Land in Waldrons Field, Hanslope


D208/3/5 Close of pasture in Hanslope


D208/4 Whole Estate


D208/5 Messuage in Castlethorpe


D208/6 Nichols family papers


D208/7 Miscellaneous

Date: 1657-1870
Held by: Buckinghamshire Archives, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

Trevor Roberts, solicitors, Caernarvon

Physical description: 7 series
Access conditions:

Records are open for consultation unless otherwise indicated

Immediate source of acquisition:

These records were found among those of Trevor Roberts, a former firm of solicitors in Caernarvon. They were presumably taken to Wales following the marriage of Jane Bull (nee Nichols) to David Owen of Conway in 1855 (See D208/6/13-22). The collection was passed to Gwynedd Record Office which gave them to Buckinghamshire Record Office 3 April 1995

  • Buckinghamshire
  • Land tenure
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