Catalogue description Deeds relating to Cubbington, Warwickshire, 1646-1812

This record is held by Shakespeare Birthplace Trust

Details of DR 18/10/20/14
Reference: DR 18/10/20/14
Title: Deeds relating to Cubbington, Warwickshire, 1646-1812

Bargain and sale by Thomas Collins of Greenwich, gent., son and heir of Alice, widow of William Collins of St Saviours, Southwark, gent., and Mary and Martha his sisters, with Crispe Grainge of St Bartholomew the Great, surviving trustee of William Collins to James Wright of Warwick, for £1500 of the Rectory of Cubbington with associated lands and premises


Signed and sealed

Date: 4 May 1725
Held by: Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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