Catalogue description Certificate of William Spencer, mayor

This record is held by Bristol Archives

Details of 40365/D/2/47
Reference: 40365/D/2/47
Title: Certificate of William Spencer, mayor

States that there came before him Philip Kington and William Roberts, wardens of the church of St Nicholas, praying that a view might be taken according to the custom of the city of a wall upon a piece of vacant ground on the north side of St Nicholas Street, opposite to the hostium (?door) of the church and lying between a tenement of John Shipward called Guillowese Inn on the west and tenements of Lady Isabel Seymour and Thomas Viell esquire on the east


Whereupon the mayor had charged two masons two carpenters to make the view upon oath, which they did before him and John Skryven, sheriff, it appeared that the wall in question was in dispute between the churchwardens and John Shipward, and that 14 inches of it in thickness belonged to the church and the rest to Shipward; another wall belonged entirely to the church, while a third belonged partly to each disputant; the viewers then examined another wall in dispute between the church and Lady Seymour, and adjudged that it belonged partly to each; a dispute between the wardens and Thomas Viel as to another wall was next examined, with the same result

Date: 1479 Jan 29
Held by: Bristol Archives, not available at The National Archives
Language: English
Physical description: 1 doc

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