Catalogue description 5 Ap., 1781. William Atherton of Trelawney to John Tharp of same.

This record is held by Cambridgeshire Archives

Details of R/55/7/122/(k)/8
Reference: R/55/7/122/(k)/8
Title: 5 Ap., 1781. William Atherton of Trelawney to John Tharp of same.

Grant of 4 runs of land, each of 300 acs., in Trelawney.


Plan attached.


Enrolled in the Office of Enrollments.


Enclosing :-


10 Feb, 1781


George III. to William Atherton.


3 Letters Patent each granting 300 acs. in Trelawney.


Enrolled in the Office of Enrollments.

Date: 1781
Held by: Cambridgeshire Archives, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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