Catalogue description VOLUME IX

This record is held by Lambeth Palace Library

Details of



1-2. Nicholas Trott to Archbishop Tenison, Carolina, Feb. 17, 1702/3. 'Anabaptists' are so numerous in the colony that he asks the archbishop to arrange for a printing of 500 copies of John Philpott's tract against them. Trott has just completed an 'explication of the Hebrew of the Bible' which he has asked Doctor Bray to submit to leading Hebraicists. If they approve of it, he asks the archbishop to sponsor its publication.


3-16. Act for establishing religious worship according to the Church of England, 1706. Requires use of Book of Common Prayer. Divides colony into parishes and provides for the election of vestries and wardens and prescribes their duties. Rectors to be elected by parishioners. Rector of Charlestown to receive £150 per annum, currency. Rectors of other parishes to receive £50.


17-20. Supplementary act, Apr. 8, 1710. Provides alternative means of raising money for repairs and other expenses, if regular collections are insufficient.


21-26. Act for the establishment of a free school, 1710. Creates a board of trustees to receive gifts and organize school. Master must be a member of the Church of England.


27-28. Francis LeJau to Bishop Compton, St. James' Parish, Goose Creek, Sept. 17, 1711. Thanks bishop for sending a schoolmaster, --- Dennys. Says that --- Marston has gone to New York and that --- Gignilliat, having married a rich widow, plans to return to Switzerland. Gives some news of Mr. Stevens and Captain Belcher and describes a novel cure for rattlesnake bite. Deplores growth of atheism, irreligion and immorality in the colony.


29-30. Clergy of South Carolina to Bishop Compton, Charlestown, May 2, 1712. They are at peace with one another and hope to remain so, now that Marston has left.


31-32. Francis LeJau to Bishop Compton, St. James', Goose Creek, May 27, 1712. Criticizes Gignilliat for leaving his parish and abusing his wife. Urges sending a missionary to the Yammassees and complains that Negroes are forced to work on Sundays and that masters do not desire their conversion. He doubts that Marston ever intended to resign all pretensions to Charlestown and fears fresh dissension if he returns.


33-34. Order of commissioners for administering the Act of Establishment to the members of St. Paul's Parish, Dec. 3,1712. Requires them to meet on Dec. 27 to elect William Tredwell Bull rector. Certificate, signed by parishioners, says that they did so. Certificate by George Evans, Register, Jan. 14, 1712/13, says that their certificate was read to the commissioners and entered on their journal.


35-36. Clergy of South Carolina to Bishop Compton, Charlestown, Jan. 14, 1712/13. They have consented to the return of Commissary Johnston for reasons that seem urgent, though unspecified. He will give the bishop an account of the state of religion in the province.


37-38. Francis LeJau to Bishop Compton, St. James', Goose Creek, Feb. 23, 1712/13. Gignilliat has sold his wife's estate and is preparing to sail for Europe without her. Other missionaries praised.


39-40. Charles Craven to Bishop Compton, March 23, 1712/13. Says that, as governor, he has done and will continue to do his best for the clergy, whom he praises. Regrets Johnston's return. William Guy, who has been elected rector of St. Helen's Parish, is returning home for priest's orders.


41-44. Four copies of the last paragraph of Nicholas Trott's commission as chief justice, Mar. 8, 1706/7, with confirmation, Sept. 14, 1714, by Lord Carterett as Lord Palatine and other proprietors.


45-46. Francis LeJau to Bishop Robinson, St. James, Goose Creek, Feb. 7, 1714/15. Expresses respect on behalf of himself and other clergy, specifically Maule and Bull, and refers to an earlier address of the clergy not in present papers.


47-48. Nicholas Trott to Bishop Robinson, June 17, 1715. He had hoped to send a finished copy of his Hebrew commentary, and a collection of laws of the several provinces relating to the Church, but Indian war has upset all his plans and so impaired his fortunes that he plans to move to another colony.


49-50. Clergy of South Carolina to Bishop Robinson, Oct. 18, 1715. Welcome return of Commissary Johnston and speak of the Indian war, during which they remained at their stations, though many of the dissenting ministers fled.


51-52. Francis LeJau to Bishop Robinson, St. James', Goose Creek, Dec. 1, 1715. Thanks him for his part in securing an increase in his Society for the Propagation of the Gospel stipend. The most powerful of the Indian nations in the war has come over to the English and the rest are in retreat, so it is possible for him to return to his parish (cf. 49-50).


53-54. Gideon Johnston to Bishop Robinson, Charlestown, Dec. 9, 1715. Encloses a letter from vestry and wardens not in present papers. Urges bishop to support a stronger establishment in South Carolina.


55-56. Gideon Johnston to Bishop Robinson, Charlestown, Apr. 6, 1716. Two clergymen, Taylor and Whitehead, are still very troublesome, but he awaits the bishop's instructions before proceeding against them. He fears that Governor Craven, who is returning to England, may support Whitehead.


57-58. Francis LeJau to Bishop Robinson, St. James', Goose Creek, Apr. 25, 1716. Reports death of Johnston, who was drowned in the capsizing of a sloop in which he, with others, had gone to pay respect to Governor Craven, departing for England. Most of the thirty passengers were saved, but Johnston and the attorney-general, G. Evans, perished.


59-60. Clergy of South Carolina to Bishop Robinson, Chalestown, May 31, 1716. Report Johnston's death. Whitehead also nearly perished in the accident, but was finally saved. They have selected Guy to supply Charlestown, as his parish has largely been deserted in consequence of the Indian war.


61-62. Governor Robert Daniell and Council to Bishop Robinson, Charles Town, Nov. 23, 1716. In consequence of the death of Whitehead, who was curate in Charlestown, they have appointed Guy to the post.


63-64. Warden and vestry of Charles Town to Bishop Robinson, Nov. 30, 1716. Convey the same information, but add that Guy has been ordered to Narragansett by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.


65-66. Francis LeJau to Bishop Robinson, St. James', Goose Creek, Jan. 7, 1716/17. Reports death of John Whitehead and Robert Maule. LeJau and Bull have both been ill but are recovering. The delay of Charles Town in asking the bishop to name a successor to Johnston is the result of internal dissensions. Guy has written that he will go to Narragansett as soon as the stormy season is over.


67-68. Bishop Robinson's instructions to the clergy of North and South Carolina. (1) To conform to the canons and rubrics, and consult the commissary in cases of difficulty. (2) No clergyman, except the commissary, to interfere in the affairs of another parish except when properly requested to supply. (3) No clergyman to accept a cure without the bishop's license to Carolina and the commissary's appointment to that particular parish. (4) No clergyman to marry on licence, without the banns, unless the woman, at least, is a parishioner. (5) Commissary to hold an annual visitation.


69-70. Wardens and vestry of St. James', Goose Creek, to Bishop Robinson, Oct. 29, 1717. Report death of LeJau. Ask appointment of a successor and continuance of Society for the Propagation of the Gospel allowance. Local salary of £100 currency is not worth more than £25 sterling.


71-72. Governor (Robert Johnson) and Council to Bishop Robinson, Charlestown, Dec. 20, 1717. Recent deaths and removal of two clergymen have left the colony with six vacant parishes. They ask the sending of more clergymen and, particularly, a commissary. Under the colonial law, they can only recommend a minister to a parish for election. They did this with Mr. Duncanson, recently arrived, but his misconduct has made the parish (St. John's) unwilling to elect him, and he talks of going to Virginia.


73-74. A duplicate of (69-70) dated Mar. 1, 1717/18, with some variation in signers.


75-76. William Tredwell Bull to Bishop Robinson, St. Paul's Parish, May 15, 1718. There are twelve parishes in the colony, of which six are vacant. All the clergy are of good character, except Wye and Duncanson. He has doubts about these, but does not know them well enough to be specific. Salaries are now £250 for Charlestown and £150 for other parishes in currency, but £100 currency is only worth about £20 sterling. He gives a list of recent prices to illustrate this. He asks permission to return to England for a visit in response to repeated commands from his aged father, 'a Person of decent Fortune in ye Countys of of Oxford & Northampton'.


77-78. William Wye to Reverend Doctor Astry, Charlestowne, June 26, 1718. He fears that previous letters have been lost because of the prevalence of piracy, which is ruining the colony's trade. Seven or eight vessels bound for England have been seized by pirates recently. Wye has been chosen rector of Charleston. He repeats the same information as Bull (75-76) about clerical salaries. He refers vaguely to a pending action against him by John Smart which may come before the bishop.


79-80. William Tredwell Bull to Bishop Robinson, St. Paul's parish, Nov. 18, 1718. Encloses a copy of (75-76) in case original miscarried. Guy, returning in expectation of being chosen rector of Charlestown, was robbed of all his possessions by pirates and found Wye installed in Charlestown. He has accepted a call to St. Andrew's, pending instructions from the bishop.


81-82. William Guy to Bishop Robinson, Charles Town, Nov. 20, 1718. Repeats the information in (79-80) and adds that Wye was hastily elected in Charlestown to prevent the parish's being reclaimed by Marston, who has since died.


83-84. Vestry of St. Philip's, Charlestown, to Bishop Robinson, Dec. 19, 1718. Praise Wye and indicate that he came with a recommendation from the bishop, though Guy (81-82) speaks of having received the bishop's recommendation.


85. Wardens and vestry of St. Andrew's Parish to Bishop Robinson, Jan. 16, 1718/19. Announce election of Guy and ask continuance of Society for the Propagation of the Gospel aid.


86-87. William Tredwell Bull to Bishop Robinson, St. Paul's Parish, Mar. 20, 1718/19. Though he has not heard from the bishop, he has permission from the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel to return, and plans to sail shortly. --- Richburg, rector of St. Deny's Parish, is dead and his family in mean condition.


88-89. Wardens and vestry of St. James', Goose Creek, to Bishop Robinson, Sept. 17, 1719. Ask appointment of a minister. They believe that perquisites will bring official salary of £150 up to £200 currency. They have over 100 A of glebe and have just completed a brick rectory. They refer to their affectionate relations with LeJau.


90-91. Vestry of St. Andrew's to Bishop Robinson, Nov. 16, 1719. Thank him for confirming their election of Guy. Most of the parishes in the colony are now destitute.


92-93. William Tredwell Bull to Reverend Thomas Mangey, LL.D., St. Paul's Parish, May 12, 1720. Acknowledges letter by Alexander Garden, just arrived, and says that he has complained to the bishop of the practice of issuing marriage licenses to 'dissenting teachers,' of whom Presbyterian and 'Anabaptist' are specifically mentioned.


94-95. Extract from instructions issued to Governor Francis Nicholson, Whitehall, Sept. 27, 1720. (72) To take care that God be worshipped in accordance with the Book of Common Prayer. (73) To see that churches be maintained and new ones built. (74) To see that parishes be properly bounded. (75) Not to prefer any minister without a licence from the Bishop of London. (76) To order that every orthodox minister shall be a member of the vestry. (77) To inform the bishop if any unordained minister is officiating in any orthodox church or chapel. (78) To support the jurisdiction of the Bishop of London excepting the power of collating to benefices, granting licences to marry, and probate of wills. (79) No schoolmaster to be allowed to come from England and keep school without a licence from the Bishop of London. (80) Table of marriages to be posted in all churches. (81) To see that drunkenness, debauchery, swearing, and blasphemy are discountenanced and punished.


96-97. Peter Tustian to Doctor Mangey, Carolina, Dec. 5, 1720. Antipathy to the clergy is at present a dominant sentiment in the colony. It has prevented his obtaining an order from the commissioners for a parish meeting to elect him rector of the parish where he is serving. Because of this and the inadequacy of the salaries, he asks to be licensed to some other colony, preferably in the West Indies.


98-99. William Tredwell Bull to Bishop Robinson, Dec. 19, 1720, including, on inside of sheet, a letter dated Aug. 12, 1720, the original of which he fears was lost in the wreck of a ship commanded by Captain Uren off New England. The earlier letter describes political conflict between Governor Johnson and Colonel Moor, in which the clergy unwillingly became involved when the contestants proclaimed opposing fast days, because of a drouth. The clergy felt obliged to observe the governor's. Colonel John Fenwick, leader of the opposition in Bull's parish, raised quite a row about it. As a result of the conflict, neither Garden nor Tustian have been properly elected. Tustian is 'a sober, worthy Man, but of melancholick Disposition'.


100-1. Certificate of Governor Francis Nicholson, Plymouth, Feb. 7, 1720(1) that Francis Merry is with him, waiting to sail to Carolina.


102. Clergy of South Carolina to Governor Nicholson, Charles Town, Jan. 10, 1721/2. They ask that Act of Uniformity and Toleration Act be put in full force in Carolina and, in particular, that right of marriage be reserved to Church ministers. They also ask: better salaries, the appointment of an assistant in Charlestown, relief from the obligation to keep their parsonages in repair, and a less cumbersome mode of electing rectors.


103-4. William Tredwell Bull to Bishop Robinson, Jan. 13, 1721/2. Encloses (102). There is a good prospect of securing most of the petitions, but doubt about excluding the dissenting ministers from the right to perform marriages, as Governor Nicholson seems unwilling to press that point on the assembly.


105. Act to increase the salaries of clergy, passed by the assembly during the session from July 27, 1721, to May 3, 1722. Rector of Charleston to receive £150 and other rectors £100 'proclamation money', which the act values at four times the value of current money.


106-7. William Tredwell Bull to Bishop Robinson, Mar. 5, 1722/3. He has asked the permission of the bishop and the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel to return home, and has received permission from the society.


108-9. John Barnwell to Governor Nicholson, Beaufort, Mar. 16, 1723, enclosing a petition of the warden's and vestry of St. Helen's parish, Mar. 12, 1722/3, asking the governor to intercede with the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel to send them a missionary. Covering letter says that they are building a church and plan to build a parsonage, and would like to have a minister while the work is still in progress.


110-11. Brian Hunt to Bishop Robinson, Charles City and Port, May 18, 1723. Sent by Commissary Bull. Hunt is settled in his post as rector of St. John's Parish. Unaware of Bishop Robinson's death, he expresses surprise that his testimonials were signed by Mr. Gibbons. He finds his support inadequate and would like an appointment to Philadelphia or elsewhere.


112-13. Minute of a meeting of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, June 21, 1732. Society voted to appoint --- Varnod as missionary to St. George's parish, South Carolina, and asked Bishop Gibson to confer priest's orders on him.


114-15. Governor Francis Nicholson to Bishop Gibson, Charles City and Port, Aug. 22, 1723. Congratulates him on his translation. Reports arrival of Richard Ludlam, recommended by the bishop for St. James's, Goose Creek. Nicholson has written to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel by Thomas Moore. He asks the bishop to secure approval of law raising the salaries of the clergy. He hopes that the bishop can persuade Bull to return and that he has settled the affair of Woburn with the Duchess of Bedford. Letter will be delivered by Francis Yonge, member of the council and colonial agent.


116-17. Copy of (114-15) omitting the items following the reference to Bull.


118-21. A short memorial on the present state of the Church and clergy in South Carolina, by William Tredwell Bull, Aug. 10, 1723. Gives a brief description of each parish and the name of its rector, if any. Mentions a school in Charles City. Thomas Morrit, the schoolmaster, is supported partly by public funds, partly by fees, and partly by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.


122-3. Clergy of South Carolina to Bull, Charlestown, Oct. 10, 1723. Ask him to convey to the bishop their fears that bill raising their salaries may be disallowed as that incorporating Charlestown has been and that for shrinking bills is rather expected to be. Express alarm at the situation that may arise if all bills of credit are suppressed and the people are reduced to barter.


124-5. Brian Hunt to Bishop Gibson, Oct. 30, 1723. He again solicits appointment to Philadelphia, which is being supplied by Urmstone, whom he describes as a proselyte from the Roman Catholic Church. Philadelphia is as 'cheap agen' as Carolina, which obtains 'flower, bisket & other nessaries' from there. If he cannot have Philadelphia, he suggests some post in the West Indies.


126. Brian Hunt to Bishop Gibson, Charles Town, Nov. 12, 1723. He repeats the foregoing request (124-5) on the plea that four letters on a topic are considered necessary from Carolina to guard against miscarriage. The colony has been greatly depressed by the stoppage of paper currency.


127-8. Alexander Garden to Bishop Gibson, Charlestown, Jan. 22, 1723(4). Asks his ruling whether a woman (Martha Wigfall) who was innocently married to a man (William Dowley) later discovered to have a wife in England, is free to remarry without having her marriage to Dowley formally annulled by an ecclesiastical court. If not, what steps can be taken in her behalf, since the province has no ecclesiastical courts?


129-30. Duplicate of (127-8).


131-2. Brian Hunt to Bishop Gibson, Charles-town, Mar. 18, 1723(4). Because of Bishop Robinson's illness, he has no licence, though he was appointed by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel with the bishop's approval. Bishop Robinson had promised him a living in England and made him curate of Halsted in Essex until it became available, but he was unable to support his family on that income and he cannot on his present income because of the 'dearness of fresh provisions & apparel' in Carolina. He again asks appointment to Philadelphia or the West Indies.


133-4. Notices from the Boston News Letter, Apr. 16, 1724, and the New England Courant, Apr. 20, of the ordination of Nathan Bassett in Brattle Street Church to be pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Charlestown. Certificate of Cotton Mather, Benjamin Colman, Nathaniel Appleton and William Cooper, Apr. 14, 1724, that they had conferred presbyteral ordination on Bassett (a graduate of Harvard) in response to a request from the Charlestown church for a 'Presbyterian Ordained Pastor' to succeed William Levingston, deceased. Letter of introduction of Bassett to Governor Nicholson, Boston, Apr. 17, 1724, by Mather, Colman, and Cooper. (All copies.)


135. Brian Hunt to Bishop Gibson, St. John's, Apr. 22, 1724. Adds England to the places where he would like to have a comfortable cure. He thinks that his services as a naval chaplain entitle him to preferment.


136-7. Albert Pouderous to Bishop Gibson, St. James', Santee, Apr. 25, 1724. A Huguenot refugee serving a French parish in South Carolina, he asks a larger stipend from the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. The sum granted him after a recent flood (cf. iv. 88-89) was insufficient.


138-9. Alexander Garden to Bishop Gibson, Charlestown, May 4, 1724. This letter and some of the answers to the bishop's queries are being brought by --- Breifield, a returning clergyman. Garden's health has been so poor that he thought he might have to leave the colony, but being somewhat recovered, he has decided to give the climate a further trial. He needs an assistant, and thinks that was the intention of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in sending Morritt as schoolmaster, but, though in orders, he does not have the bishop's licence to officiate.


140-1. Clergy of South Carolina to Bishop Gibson, Charlestown, June 30, 1724. Assembled by Governor Nicholson, they think that several matters should be communicated to the bishop, but rather than trouble him with a long account, they have written to Bull.


142-3. The governor's address to this convention and the reply of the clergy, Charlestown, June 30, 1724. Their chief concern is with some unspecified concessions made to the dissenters at a recent meeting of the assembly.


144-5. Alexander Garden to Bishop Gibson, Charlestown, July 16, 1724. At the bishop's request, transmitted by Bull, he encloses a certificate of the death of Richard Beresford. Beresford's nephew, of the same name, died eighteen months before he did. The bishop needs the certificate for use in a lawsuit.


146-7. Duplicate of (144-5).


148-9. Wardens and vestry of St. Helen's Parish to Bishop Gibson, July 22, 1724. A frontier parish, erected ten years ago, they were, for a time, depopulated by the Indian war, but now, through the aid of Governor Nicholson and the assembly, they have a brick church within three months of completion, and request the bishop to send them a minister.


150-1. Governor Francis Nicholson to Bishop Gibson, Charles Town, Aug. 5, 1724. Encloses (133-4, 140-3, and 148-49). He fears that the dissenters will overrun the colony, if not restrained. He has received letters from Massachusetts reporting restrictions on the Church there. Asks bishop to use his influence to secure royal assent to the act raising the salaries of the clergy.


152-3. Martin Bladen and Richard Plumer to Bishop Gibson, Whitehall, Aug. 20, 1724. They have some objections to the act to increase the salaries of the clergy (105). They doubt that the power given the commissioners to revise the ratio of proclamation to current money (fixed in the act at four to one) is sufficient to deal with any sharp decline in currency. Wardens and vestries are given power to make assessments for poor relief without concurrence of a justice of the peace. This is a major provision not covered in the title to the act, which is contrary to the governor's instructions. The titles of acts meant to be repealed are too vaguely stated.


154-5. Clergy of South Carolina to Bishop Gibson, Charlestown, Oct. 1, 1724. Relate case of a family which, in the belief that they were guided by direct divine inspiration, became involved in a number of crimes and finally shot a justice of the peace sent to apprehend them. Five of them are to be executed for murder. The clergy ask the bishop to seek to have some restraint put on the migration of 'fanatick teachers' from New England and Scotland.


156-7. Governor Francis Nicholson to Bishop Gibson, Charles Town, Oct. 31, 1724. Refers to a letter sent by the clergy to Bull about the currency, and supports request in (154-5).


158-9. Queries addressed to commissaries answered by Garden, in absence of Bull. Refers to ' Doctor Trott's printed Collection of the Ecclesiastical Laws of America' for the acts of establishment. Visitations held annually or on special occasions. Hunt and Morrit are without bishop's license. Pouderous only has a private licence. Three vacant parishes. Revenue of vacant churches goes to the government. Impossible to give an accurate picture of cost of living, as most provisions come from New York or Philadelphia and price fluctuates.


160-71. Answers to queries addressed to clergy. See Introduction (p. xxiii) for numbered questions to which answers are keyed.


160. Alexander Garden, St. Philip's, Charlestown: 1. Four years. 2. No. 3. Yes. 4. Not yet inducted. 5. Yes. 6. 6 x 1 miles, about 250 families. 7. About 2,000 slaves. No means taken for their conversion. 8. Twice on Sunday (except Easter to Michaelmas) and once every Wednesday, Friday, and holy day. Twenty to fifty attend week-day services; about 260 on Sunday. 9. Monthly 30-50. 10. Every other Sunday from Michaelmas to Easter. II. Yes. 12. £80 sterling; £600 in paper currency. 13. House and 17 A of glebe. 14. Repaired at public charge. 15. No. 16. Yes. Thomas Morritt schoolmaster. 17. There is a provincial library under his care at the parsonage.


161. William Guy, St. Andrew's: 1. Sent as curate and schoolmaster in Charlestown by Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, 1711. 2. Formerly served St. Helen's, South Carolina, and Narragansett, R.I. 3. Yes. 4. Inducted Dec. 22, 1718. 5. Yes. 6. 21 x 7 miles, 180 families. 7. Few masters will permit instruction of slaves. 8. Every Sunday and holy day. About sixty or seventy families attend. The rest are dissenters. 9. Christmas, Easter, Whit Sunday, and first Sunday in October. About twenty-three communicants. 10. During Lent. 11. Furnishings incomplete. 12. About £60 sterling. 13. House and glebe of about 26 A. 14. Repaired at public expense. 15. He supplied Bull's parish, after he left, until prevented by ill health. 16. No. 17. No.


162-5. Thomas Hasell, St. Thomas's. (Questions copied from circular to allow more space for answers): 1. He came in 1716 as a deacon, licensed as a schoolmaster, but as there was then no school, the governor (Nathaniel Johnson) inducted him in this parish, and he returned two years later for priest's orders. 2. No. 3. Only as schoolmaster. 4. Since 1710. 5. Yes. 6. 30 x 20 miles, 178 families. 7. Yes, both Indians and Negroes. Nothing is done for them. 8. Sundays and holy days, alternating between church and chapel of ease. 50-70 attend. 9. Six times a year. 12-20 communicants. 10. He used to catechize every Sunday but has been prevented from doing so lately by ill health. 11. Yes. 12. £50. (The salaries of all the clergy except Charlestown are £100 proclamation money. The sterling figures are varying estimates of the value of this.) 13. A glebe of 600 A in two plots, but no house. 14. Answered by 13. 15. No. 16. No. 17. A small one.


166. Brian Hunt, St. John's: 1. 16 months. 2. Formerly vicar of Quadring in Lincolnshire and later of the two parishes of the Savoy, Westminster (cf. 131-2 and 135). 3. No. 4. Nov. 1, 1723. 5. Yes. 6. Fifty miles wide, length unknown, eighty families. 7. Nothing done for Indians or Negroes. 8. Once a Sunday. All regularly attend. 9. Christmas, Easter, Whit Sunday, and Sunday after Michaelmas. 10. Every Sunday. 11. Yes. 12. About £60 sterling, plus £50 from Society for the Propagation of the Gospel 13. House and 360 A. 14. Repaired at public expense. 15. No. 16. A school at Shrewberry kept by Lapierre. 17. About seventeen vols.


167. John Lapierre, St. Denis's: 1. Unanswered. 2. No. 3. Yes. 4. Seventeen years. 5. Occasionally absent. 6. Sixteen French families in the centre of St. Thomas's parish (162-5). 7. Masters will not consent to instruction of slaves. 8. Every Sunday and holy day. Between 50-60. 9. Four times a year. About fifteen communicants. 10. Just before sermon in the long days, beginning in March. 11. Yes. 12. £60 sterling. 13 and 14. No house, no glebe. 15. No. 16. No (cf. 166). 17. No.


168. Robert Ludlam, St. James's, Goose Creek. 1. Aug. 1723. 2. No. 3. Yes. 4. Not yet. 5. Yes. 6. 18-20 x 10-12 miles, about 300 Europeans. 7. 2,000 Negroes and about 100 Indian slaves. Nothing is done for them. 8. Every Sunday. About 100. 9. Four times a year. About twenty. 10. He proposes to catechize as oft as he can. 11. Lack surplice and linen for communion table, but they are to be provided. 12. About £60 sterling, plus £50 from Society for the Propagation of the Gospel 13. House and 100 A. 14. Repaired at public expense. 15. No. 16. No. 17. A library donated by Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, but some books are missing.


169. Albert Pouderous, St. James, Santee: 1. Three years. 2. Preached in French churches in London. 3. Yes. (Cf. 158-9). 4. Three years. 5. Yes. 6. Forty-five miles, eighty families. 7. He does what he can to instruct the slaves. 8. Once every Sunday and holy day. About 100. 9. Four times a year. Sixty-five. 10. Every Sunday. 11. Yes. 12. About seventy-five livres. 13. Yes. 14. Repaired by parish. 15. No. 16. No. 17. Yes, donated by Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. Some volumes missing.


170. Benjamin Pownall, Christ-Church: 1. A year and a half. 2. Denby Church, Warwick County, Virginia. Left 2¾ years ago. 3. Yes. 4. A year and a quarter. 5. Yes. 6. 30 miles, 240 families. 7. 700 Negro slaves, but public and private exhortation of masters to have them instructed has been unsuccessful. 8. Once daily in winter; twice in summer. Seventy attend regularly. 9. Four times a year. Twenty-eight. 10. In summer. 11. No. 12. £90 sterling; £50 from Society for the Propagation of the Gospel and £40 from public funds. 13. Yes. 14. Supposed to be repaired at public expense, but not yet done. 15. No. 16. Land and house provided for a school, but there is no master. 17. A few books.


171. Francis Varnod, St. George's: 1. Sailed for colony Aug. 29, 1723. 2. No. 3. Yes. 4. Not yet. 5. Yes. 6. 12 miles wide. Length undetermined, as not all the area is settled. Fifty to sixty families. 7. Masters will not consent to instruction of slaves. 8. Every Sunday, except once a month when he officiates in the vacant parish of St. Paul. 9. Four times a year. Forty communicants, of whom seventeen are Negroes (cf. ans. to 7). 10. During Lent. 11. Only a communion table. 12. Unable to estimate it. 13. There is a house and glebe which he will occupy when repaired. 14. Repaired at public expense. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No.


172-3. Wardens and vestry of St. Andrew's to Bishop Gibson, Mar. 29, 1725. Commend Guy, who is obliged to visit England for his health. They attribute his illness to over-exertion in supplying vacant parishes.


174-5. Wardens and vestry of St. Paul's Parish to Bishop Gibson, Mar. 29, 1725. Thank him for sending David Standish, whose faithful services they commend.


176-7. Alexander Garden to Bishop Gibson, Charlestown, May 24, 1725. Complains that Lapierre invaded his parish to baptize an infant. He says that Lapierre habitually disregards parish lines and other canonical restrictions and undermines the efforts of the other clergy to teach respect for the discipline of the Church.


178-9. John Lapierre to Bishop Gibson, St. Dennis, Jan. 1, 1725/6. Acknowledging rebuke for the above offence (176-7) he offers the defence that the child's father, Gophel Moor, told him that Garden approved and that the child's mother was French, but he evidently did not obtain confirmation from Garden. He includes copy of a letter from Garden to him, Apr. 8, 1725, rebuking him for the offence and saying that he had hoped that disorders in Lapierre parish would subside with the extinction of the Dutarts, possibly an allusion to the affair described in (154-5).


180-1. Wardens and vestry of Christ Church to Governor Nicholson, Nov. 5, 1726. Ask Nicholson, who is in England, to secure appointment of a missionary from Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. They have been supplied by Morritt, who has been criticized for doing so, but whom they commend.


182-3. Ar. Middleton to Governor Nicholson, Nov. 5, 1726. Recommends Morritt, who is resigning his school.


184-5. Clergy of South Carolina to Nicholson, Charlestown, Nov. 6, 1726. Ask him to secure a missionary for St. Bartholomew's Parish, where Presbyterianism is growing in the absence of a Church of England minister. Also ask him to seek to secure confirmation of an act to erect a school at Dorchester.


186-7. William Guy to Nicholson, St. Andrew's, Nov. 7, 1726. Refers vaguely to business arising out of legacies of Boyle and Whitmarsh of which a fuller report is being sent to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.


188-9. Representatives, wardens, and vestry of St. George's Parish to Nicholson, Nov. 12, 1726. Ask him to secure appointment of a missionary and to obtain the authorization of a port of entry in their parish.


190-1. Thomas Broughton to Nicholson, Nov. 16, 1726. Asks him to press for confirmation of an act designed to protect the rights of Richard Boryford, a minor heir. Refers to Morritt's plan to return to England and commends him. Writer identified as speaker of the assembly.


192-3. Clergy of South Carolina to Bishop Gibson, Goose Creek, May 9, 1727. Complain that Brian Hunt married Gibbon Cawood, a minor heiress, to Robert Wright in defiance of her guardians, Andrew Allen and Charles Hill, who had filed a caveat against the issuance of a licence. This was evaded by the young woman's taking lodgings in Hunt's parish (though a resident of Charlestown), whereupon he accepted her as a parishioner and married the couple on publication of the banns.


194-5. Copy of (192-3).


196-7. Clergy of South Carolina to Governor Nicholson, Goose Creek, May 9, 1727. Refer to an address that they have made to the King (possibly x. 244-5).


198-9. Alexander Garden to Bishop Gibson, Charlestown, May 26, 1727. Gives a further account of the Cawood-Wright marriage (192-3).


200-1. Andrew Allen and Charles Hill to Bishop Gibson, Charlestown, June 23, 1727. Complain of Hunt's action.


202-3. Wardens and vestry of St. John's to Bishop Gibson, July 3, 1727. Accuse Hunt of drunkenness, quarrelling, defamation, and indecent behaviour.


204-5. Brian Hunt to Bishop Gibson, St. John's, Dec. 18, 1727. Says he is being persecuted for preaching and writing against those among the French Protestants who opposed episcopacy. Includes copy of a certificate to his general good character signed by a large number of parishioners, including former wardens and vestrymen. Accuses Thomas Broughton of leading the persecution. Refers to controversy with Archibald Stobo, a Presbyterian minister.


206-13. Brian Hunt to Bishop Gibson, Common Prison, Charles Town, Feb. 20, 1727/8. He is in jail for debt because his Society for the Propagation of the Gospel stipend has been stopped. He repeats what he said in (204-5) and gives a long but vague defence of his action in the Cawood-Wright marriage (cf. 192-3).


214-15. Brian Hunt to Bishop Gibson, St. John's Rectory, Mar. 20, 1727(8). He has been released from prison by what he describes as an 'unforseen providence', but he gives no details. Most of the letter is a further defence of his part in the Cawood-Wright marriage (192-3).


216-17. William Tredwell Bull to Bishop Gibson, Greenfield, May 13, 1728. Having been sent Hunt's defence (206-15) for comment, he observes that Broughton is one of the leading men of the colony and he believes him to be a sober and religious person. He knows the names of some of the signers of Hunt's testimonials, but few if any are 'gentlemen of good fortune'. The marriage was clearly irregular and Hunt's defence of it is weak.


218-19. Alexander Garden and wardens and vestry of St. Philip's, Charleston, to Bishop Gibson, June 26, 1728. John Cawood, Gibbon's father (cf. 192-3), left £428 to repair or adorn their new brick church and they have decided to spend it on an organ. They ask the bishop to direct his organist or some other qualified person to advise their agent in the purchase.


220-1. J. Winteley to Bishop Gibson, Charlestown, July 20, 1728. The colony has been torn by political dissensions since his arrival, about a year ago, but he hopes they may be nearing an end, as it is reported that the proprietors have surrendered their claims to the Crown. The need for an ecclesiastical authority is shown by the disputes that occur at all meetings of the clergy. Hunt is resigning to go to Jamaica and Ludlam is dying.


222-3. Nicholas Trott to Bishop Gibson, Sept. 6, 1728. He is trying to arrange publication of his Hebrew commentary (cf. 1-2) and, while he thinks that his life appointment as chief justice by the proprietors should hold, even though they have surrendered the government, he would like to have it confirmed by the Crown.


224. Wardens and vestry of Christ Church to Bishop Gibson, Oct. 21, 1728. They have been obliged to dismiss Winteley for immorality.


225-6. Vestry of St. James', Goose Creek, to Bishop Gibson, Nov. 18, 1728. Report death of Ludlam and ask appointment of another minister.


227-8. Clergy of South Carolina to Bishop Gibson, Charlestown, Jan. 24, 1728/9. Report deaths of Ludlam and Standish, resignation of Hunt, removal of Lapierre to Cape Fear, and dismissal of Winteley by his parish for 'frantick & immoral' behaviour. Regret that they can say nothing in his defence.


229-30. J. Winteley to Bishop Gibson, Charles-Town, Feb. 13, 1729. Accuses his opponents of suborning women of ill repute to testfy falsely against him.


231-2. Wardens and vestry of St. John's Parish to Bishop Gibson, Apr. 28, 1729. Report Hunt's resignation and ask for a successor.


233-6. Alexander Garden to Bishop Gibson, Charlestown, June 28, 1729. Acknowledges appointment as commissary. He is advised that he should have an officially certified copy of the bishop's commission, instead of the printed copy sent him. Hunt has gone to Barbadoes (cf., 237-8). Winteley sued his principal accuser, George Logan, for libel, but withdrew the action when Logan showed that he was prepared to prove his charges. The drunkenness was notorious, as Winteley was often seen intoxicated in the taverns and streets of Charlestown, and there are affidavits of several women to support the charge of immorality.


237-8. Brian Hunt to Bishop Gibson, London, Sept. 8, 1729. He resigned after his parishioners subscribed £500 Carolina money for his family and agreed to let his wife stay until a successor was appointed. Defending himself in the marriage case, he mentions canonical irregularities by other clergy.


239-40. Alexander Garden to Bishop Gibson, Charlestown, Nov. 24, 1729. He assembled the clergy on Sept. 14 and informed them of his appointment as commissary and read them the bishop's instructions. Winteley is officiating in St. Bartholomew's parish on the frontier. Marsden has sailed for Listbon from Cape Fear. Lambert, assistant and schoolmaster in Charlestown, is dead.


241-4. Nicholas Trott to Bishop Gibson, Jan. 10, 1729/30. Sets forth his claims to the chief justiceship.


245-6. Nicholas Trott to Bishop Gibson, Mar. 28, 1730. More on the same theme. Robert Wright has been appointed to the post.


247-9. Duplicate of (245-6). The extra page is the result of slightly larger writing.


250-1. Lewis Jones to Bishop Gibson, St. Helen's Parish, June 2, 1730. He is deferring his removal to Goose Creek until October and urges the sending of a missionary to St. Helen's before them. It is a frontier parish and has suffered from too frequent vacancies.


252-3. Duplicate of (250-1).


254-5. Alexander Garden to Bishop Gibson, Charlestown, Apr. 20, 1731. He held a visitation last October at which a complaint was presented from St. Paul's parish that their rector, Leslie, was too strict in enforcing the canonical requirement that sureties in baptism should be communicants. As he was not present, because of illness, the clergy wrote him a letter advising him to be prudent rather than strict in his enforcement of the canon. Garden explains that, because the number of children to be baptized is much greater than the number of communicants, a strict enforcement of the canon is impractical. The clergy addressed the new governor, unnamed, and conferred with him on the advisability of petitioning the assembly for a law against immorality and another fixing the salary of the schoolmaster at Charlestown and for action to make effectual the legacy of Richard Beresford for a free school in St. Thomas's Parish. Garden has distributed the bishop's tracts, as directed, to North and South Carolina and Providence (Bahamas). Winteley, having been dismissed by St. Bartholomew's parish, got the assembly to recommend him as schoolmaster in Charlestown, but the trustees refused to appoint him.


256. Wardens and Vestry of St. James, Santee, to Bishop Gibson, June 2, 1731. Ask appointment of a minister to succeed Albert Pouderous, who died Feb. 20, 1730/1. Minister should be bilingual, as parish, originally French, now has some English residents. They would prefer that he should not be an ex-Roman Catholic, as these retain some erroneous doctrines.


257. Duplicate of (256).


258-9. Wardens and Vestry of St. James, Santee, to Bishop Gibson, Dec. 27, 1731. Thank him for sending --- Coulet as minister.


260-1. Thomas Morritt to Bishop Gibson, Jan. 24, 1731/2. Asks to be transferred to Goose Creek from his present parish, which he does not name, but in which he has no house and in which he has to serve three stations (cf. 264-5).


262-3. Alexander Garden to Bishop Gibson, Charlestown, Feb. 25, 1731/2. Leslie is now fully convinced of his mistake (cf. 254-5). At a visitation on Oct. 20, Garden warned the clergy of the efforts of infidels and inquired concerning the distribution of the bishop's pastorals. Dwight had to visit New England for his health, but has returned. With Coulet (cf. 258-9) arrived - Hooper, who has gone to Providence, Bahamas, where the governor pledged £200 for a minister, but it appears that he counted on his being appointed chaplain to the garrison. If he is not provided for in the Bahamas, Garden recommends him for Goose Creek. He implies that Jones refused the post (cf. 250-1). Marsden returned from Lisbon with a cargo of goods obtained on his own bills of exchange. These have been protested, but local authorities have been prevented from touching him or his effects. With the profits of this transaction, he bought a plantation. He is now regularly engaged in commerce, but preaches occasionally. Assembly has passed a resolution to fix the salary of the schoolmaster at Charlestown.


264-5. Thomas Morritt to Bishop Gibson, Prince George's Parish, Nov. 7, 1732. Though promised a transfer at the next vacancy, he has decided to return to England, but will not be able to wind up his affairs in less than two years. He still has no licence except as schoolmaster.


266-7. Alexander Garden to Bishop Gibson, Charlestown, Nov. 8, 1732. During the summer, Charlestown suffered from an epidemic of an unnamed disease, characterized by violent fever. Garden and family were all afflicted, but are now recovered. Coulet is dead. --- Millechamp has arrived for Goose Creek. A new group of French (Swiss) Protestants has arrived. Their minister, Joseph Bugnion, was ordained by Gibson and uses the Book of Common Prayer in public worship. Another French minister, Guichard, who claims ordination by the bishop, uses a Calvinist liturgy, which Garden holds to be contrary to the promises made at ordination.


268-9. Alexander Garden to Bishop Gibson, Charlestown, Apr. 7, 1733. As the fall is a sickly season, he has transferred the annual visitation to spring. Only absentees at the one just held were Hasell, who had the gout, and Fulton, who was due to be admonished for drunkenness. Winteley was dismissed from post as chaplain to the garrison at Savannah (cf. xv. 74-75) and begged enough money from the assembly to pay his debts and send him home. This letter is brought by Francis Yonge, member of the Council and colonial agent.


270-1. H. Herbert to Bishop Gibson, Charles Town, Apr. 20, 1733. Praises Garden and Jones, minister of Beaufort, but says the people do not care much for the Irish clergy. Names Winteley as a bad example. Settlement of Georgia progresses well, but he has been obliged to return to Charlestown for his health, and has not seen Oglethorpe since February. South Carolina assembly claims too much authority and lately threatened to suspend a chief justice for defending the habeas corpus act.


272-3. Joseph Bugnion to Bishop Gibson, Charlestown, June 20, 1733 (in French). Purrysbourg, of which he is minister, is not growing as rapidly as expected, and he is not receiving the salary promised him. He thinks that a letter from the bishop to Garden or the vestry would help.


274-5. Joseph Bugnion to Bishop Gibson, Purrysburg, July 15, 1733. If his salary cannot be raised, he would like to be transferred to St. James's, Santee, which is three-quarters French. Purrysbourg contains many Germans who cannot understand and do not attend his ministrations.


276-7. Alexander Garden to Bishop Gibson, Charlestown, July 24, 1733. The bishop has dealt with case of Francis Guichard (cf. 266-7) in some way not stated. Coulet, before he died, sent the bishop a complaint against his English parishioners in St. James', Santee (not in present collection), but Garden says the trouble was occasioned by his reluctance to officiate in English. Colladon, his successor, will have no trouble, if he is more accommodating. Attorney-General Abercromby, returning from England, brought with him a clergyman, Thomas Thomson, ordained by the Bishop of Durham, but having no licence from Bishop Gibson. Garden has sent him to St. Bartholomew's on the personal assurance of Abercromby that Thomson came with the bishop's approval. Doctor Herbert has returned to England (cf. 270-1).


278-9. Alexander Garden to Bishop Gibson, Charlestown, Dec. 28, 1733. Colladon died shortly after his arrival. Bugnion is now serving St. James', Santee, but the English-speaking quarter object, as he cannot officiate in English. Thomson has given satisfaction to St. Bartholomew's and they are petitioning for his regular appointment. The colony can now well afford to support its own ministers, and Garden suggests that the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel prod it into doing so. In the meantime, a stipend of £40 is sufficient to supplement the present salaries. Fulton was about to be brought to trial, but action was suspended on his promise of amendment. Winteley is dead.


280. Fragment with signature missing, to Bishop Gibson, Christ Church, Dec. 29, 1733. Recommends Philip Brown to be ordained for Carolina. An alumnus of Queen's College, he lived two years in Norfolk before going to the West Indies.


281-2. Wardens and vestry of St. Bartholomew's to Bishop Gibson, Jan. 7, 1733/4. Ask appointment of Thompson as their minister.


283-4. Duplicate of (281-2).


285-6. James Abercrombie to Bishop Gibson, Charlestown, Jan. 20, 1733(4). Encloses (281-2) and commends Thompson.


287-93. Proceedings of trial of John Fulton before Commissary Garden, beginning Mar. 26, 1734. (Partly in Latin.) Action was brought by Lawrence Couillette as Promoter of the Judge's Office. Thomas Hasell and William Guy served as assessors with Garden. Fulton was convicted of habitual drunkenness and sentenced to two years' suspension from his cure.


294-5. --- Schuerer to Bishop Gibson, Bern in Switzerland, Apr. 17, 1734. Concerned with arrangements for a colony of German Swiss being sent out by Purry, under leadership of Altman. Being German-speaking they are not to be mingled with Purry's other colony, and are to have their own pastors.


296-7. Alexander Garden to Bishop Gibson, Charlestown, Apr. 18, 1734. Leslie's insistence on communicant sponsors (cf. 254-5), though long since abandoned, antagonized so many members of St. Paul's that, when a meeting was called to elect him rector, a majority rejected him. The parish has since been divided and a majority of one section probably favour him, but he is going home for a visit and Garden is uncertain that it will be wise for him to return. He mentions the proceedings against Fulton (287-93).


298-9. Alexander Garden to Bishop Gibson, Charlestown, Apr. 30, 1734. Carried by Gen. Oglethorpe and accompanying (287-93). Garden has appointed --- Gowie, just arrived, to supply St. Paul's in Leslie's absence. He asks the bishop and Society for the Propagation of the Gospel to aid Christ Church Parish, which has not had a 'tolerable clergyman' in the fourteen years that Garden has been in the province.


300-1. Wardens and vestry of Christ Church to Bishop Gibson, May 18, 1734. Ask appointment of a minister to succeed Fulton. Since he was never regularly elected rector, the two years' suspension has the same effect as a total deprivation.


302-3. Duplicate of (300-1).


304-5. Alexander Garden to Bishop Gibson, Charlestown, June 8, 1734. Laurence O'Neill has arrived from Ireland with letters of orders and letters dimissory from the Archbishop of Dublin, but no licence from Bishop Gibson. Garden encloses his answers to some queries (306) though he is not too confident of his veracity.


306. O'Neill's answers to Garden's queries, dated June 13, 1734. Ordained in 1719 by William King, Archbishop of Dublin, and served as curate of St. Michael's, Dublin, St. Luke's, Dublin, and St. Michael's, Denoghmore. He was persuaded to go to North Carolina by Bishop Maul of Dromore, but landed in South Carolina instead. Bishop Maul promised to regularize his standing with Bishop Gibson.


307. Copy of (306).


308-9. Copy of (304-5) dated June 15, 1734.


310-11. Thomas Thompson to Bishop Gibson, St. Paul's, Nov. 5, 1734. As a missionary arrived who had been appointed by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel for St. Bartholomew's, he resigned and has been assigned to St. Paul's by Commissary Garden. He refers vaguely to some indiscretion by which he incurred the displeasure of Bishop Gibson and the Bishop of Durham.


312-13. Wardens and vestry of St. Bartholomew's to Bishop Gibson, Nov. 9, 1734. Report death of Robert Gowie and ask appointment of Thompson as his successor.


314. Alexander Garden to Bishop Gibson, Charlestown, Nov. 13, 1734. Gowie died in an epidemic of intermittent fever that afflicted the whole colony. Garden may have to return if he does not get better by spring, but will stay, if he can, for he likes the people. Thompson has behaved well since he has been in the colony.

Date: 1703-1733
Held by: Lambeth Palace Library, not available at The National Archives
Former reference in its original department: FP IX
Language: English

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