Catalogue description Deeds relating to Cubbington, Warwickshire, 1646-1812

This record is held by Shakespeare Birthplace Trust

Details of DR 18/10/20/27-28
Reference: DR 18/10/20/27-28
Title: Deeds relating to Cubbington, Warwickshire, 1646-1812

[Copy] Pre-nuptial settlement being conveyance by lease and release by Mary Wright, one of the daughter of James Wright, Warwick, esq., deceased to James Wright, her brother and William Adams, Bath, Somerset, esq. of her moiety in the manor of Butlers Marston and of the Rectory and lands on Cubbingtonn bequeathed to her under the will of her late father, in consideration of her intended marriage to Rice Charleton, Bath, Doctor in Physick, in trust to to the use of Rice and Mary for life and then in tail male

Date: 7 & 8 November 1759
Held by: Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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