Catalogue description Court Book of Assemblies, Hundreds and Sessions

This record is held by East Sussex and Brighton and Hove Record Office (ESBHRO)

Details of WIN/58
Reference: WIN/58
Title: Court Book of Assemblies, Hundreds and Sessions

The book has been used in reverse, folios 334-360 containing 'The Register of the ancient town of Winchelsea of all conveyances, fines and recoveries had levied and suffered in the court there' (for details see below). The main body of the text of assemblies and hundreds commences on 8 January 1628 and runs to 13 August 1628. There is thereafter a gap in proceedings to folio 12, on which is entered an inquisition of 11 September 1630. Thereafter regular courts are entered to 28 February 1634 (f32v). Another gap to 18 April 1636 (f35) occurs. The entries follow the form of previous volumes.




3v town hires St Leonards churchyard of Mr Thomas Roberts; 1628


4 one baker, two butchers, five innkeepers; 1628


12 coroner's inquest of a 16-year-old servant of Michael Holmwood of Icklesham yeoman, driving a cart loaded with stones out of Winchelsea; 1628


12v grant to Daniel White gent of a small piece (57 perches) of the commons at the bottom of Gallows Hill (EW: land of DW; N: street; S: land of Henry Guildford kt); entry fine £6, town rent 1d, king's rent 2d; 1630


15v grant in fee-farm to Bartholomew Pert of a plot at The Strand where he has lately built a small tenement, at 5s Od, providing he does not encroach on the town's ground; 1631


16 loft and stairs of the ferry-house; 1631


17 theft of sails from St Leonards Mill; John Dandy v Barnabas Burden; 1632


18v sale to Mr Robert Tompson clerk of a lane (S: his land called Hilly Field; N: the land of St Johns Hospital); entry fine 10s Od, rent a pepper corn; 1632


18v grant to Samuel Rich and wife Ann of Pooke Lane against their land; entry-fine 20s, fee-farm rent 1d; 1632


21 John Pelham to have the materials (timber and stones) of the town house in Quarter 15, to take them down and carry them away, for £4; to make a stone wall four feet high against the street where the house now stands; 1632


23 fee-farm of the town brewhouse, now held by the heirs of Thomas Isted late deceased; heirs crave to be discharged from their obligation to repair; Peter Farnden proposes that they should pay £100 to have it absolutely, or the town to pay £66 13s 4d for the option to have it back; to be considered; 1633


23 lease to John Botting of his garden-plot (¼a) in Quarter 15 (S, W: land of Daniel White; E: street; N: land late Tookey) for two years at 10s; to keep it fenced and preserve the fruit-trees; 1633


24v town brewhouse, malthouse and millhouse; if Mr Farnden will give £5 he may pull it down, take the materials and leave it enclosed, and pass it to Barnabas Frencham according to the town's grant; 1633


25v lease to Mr George Sampson jurat of a piece of land (4a) in The Strand where the brewhouse lately stood, and a piece of marsh (2½a) in St Leonard, late occupied by the heirs of Thomas Isted gent deceased; for a year at £6; not to plough (except the old hop-garden and the place where the buildings stood; GS covenants to leave the fruit trees and the walnut tree; 1633


25v any men who have timber there may remove it within 14 days, not damaging the fences; 1633


27 mortgage to George Sampson jurat of the pendents (2a) adjoining his land (E-W Henry Guildford's marshland to the Friars Wall; N: the Friars Well; S: the Kings Green); 1634


28 death of John Pettit jurat aged 70; 1634


30 decree to cease making returns to Brotherhoods and Guestlings on account of the town's poverty; 1634


31 sale to Mr Daniel White esq of garden (¼) in Quarter 15 (S, W: DW's hop-garden; E: street from Winchelsea Ferry to Newgate; N: land late Tookey), occupied by John Botting; entry-fine £5, rent a barleycorn; 1634


31 sale to George Sampson jurat of:


1 a hop-garden (adjoining the king's green late part of the brewhouse land), occupied by Bartholomew Pett


2 fee-farm rent of 8s Od from the house and ground occupied by Henry Libbie otherwise Dowse


32 distrain on occupiers of land in the parish of Broomhill who refuse to pay the tax for setting forth a ship of 80 tons; 1635


35v coroner's inquest on person trying to get on board his ship near Camber Castle; it's loaded with timber for the repairs of Dover Castle; 1636


36v Mr Harnett may enclose 16 feet long x 8 feet broad out of the common street next to his malt-house, and to convert it to his own use, at 4d a year; also permitted to take down his old house near the Almshouse, paying 6s 8d; 1636


37 lease of ferry and ferry-house to Robert Bredon miller; 1636


41 brewhouse lands to be leased to William Pelham for 11 years at £8; 1637


48v lease to John Beeston of the land outside New Gate (bounding to the corner of Bartholomew Field and Coney Field) for a year at 12d; reserving a right of way; JB not to cut trees or bushes; to give indemnity against trespasses to Thomas Snepp's farm called Wickham; 1640 [in 1644 TS called of Guestling, yeoman]


50 reference to sealing of a return in the chamber, 'the rest ... staying in the court hall'; 1640


51 three innkeepers, one brewer, two bakers; 1640


52v certificate obtained at assizes at East Grinstead for the repair of St Thomas's church; MPs to organise a brief; 1640


53 William Weaver puts his house in security for Edmund Hayward whom he has taken as an apprentice for 11 years; 1640


54 George Chisman and his wife Perie acknowledged a fine to James Batcheller gent jurat of two messuages with gardens orchards and enclosures; 1641


57 the waterbailiff doubting the strength of his prison he is allowed to use the mayor's; 1641


61v ferry let to John Westburne; 1642


61v John Westburne to pay 2d a year for his pump on the road at the Strand; 1642


69v inquest on John Farnham who fell from the rafters of St Thomas's church at which he was at work; 1644


71v two innkeepers, one brewer; 1644


72 two masons of Rye and Dover give evidence; [work on church?]; 1644


74 reference to cutting of bushes for lime-burning for the church; 1644


76v deposition by Elizabeth wife of Arthur Eccleston that she, in her chamber, heard events in the chamber of George Rockley, labourer 'being all under one roof; 1645


82v to view land desired by John Woodman to be had to his house at Strand; 1645


85 dispute concerning waterbailiff's failure to attach the goods of Lawrence Snepp at the suit of Thomas Bromfield esq; goods consist of timber being loaded onto a ship; 1645


86 dispute concerning payment of king's rent by John Thorpe, tenant of Mr [?George] Sampson's house; king's rent = 20½2d for half a year; 1646


86v lease to John Woodman of a little spot of ground (5 rods by the view of Robert Hayward and John Hamon) adjoining his house in the strand; 31 years from 25 Mar 1646 at 2s Od; 1646


89v [George] Sampson to have the pendents of the hill formerly mortgaged to him, for a payment of £20 and 2d a year; also to have the long slip called the Town Dyke now occupied by John Hamon for £5 and ½d a year; 1646


90 £20 mortgage of the brewhouse Marsh to its occupier Mr [William] Pelham, either to be redeemed or WP to have it at 4d; 1646


90 lease of the salts without the wall adjoining the ferry house and the little spot of salts before the ferry house (½a) to William Bredman at 10s Od; liberty to erect and set up on the west end of the ferry house a new end or room and also to set up cove or coves unto the same; to last as long as his lease of the ferry house, lately the lease of Thomas Baylie deceased; at the end of the term he may pull down what he has built, doing no damage to the ferry house; 1646


92 John Thorpe and John Farneham fined for digging away the bottom of the well at King's Green; 1647


92 Goodman [Bartholomew] Pett to repair the mill house before 24 Jun; 1647


92 grant of barn called The Millhouse in the Strand with 17 perches of land to John Berrick for £9 and 1d a year, excepting a lease formerly made to Bartholomew Pett; 1647


94 mortgage of Ferry Salts assigned from Mr Padgham to John Sampson for £80, or to have it at 8d a year; 1647


94 Ferry Salts (except the Little Ferry Salts lately inned by William Bredman) leased for 4 years to [William] Pelham, paying £12 15s to the mortgagee and £3 5s to the corporation; 1647


94 lease of part of Pook Lane from the High Street down to Mr Rich's gate to George Sampson for 10 years from 29 Sep 1647 at 6d; reserving right of way for those that use lands within the said lane; 1647


95v four innholders; John Ashdown of Winchelsea weaver bound; 1648


96 sale of all the old timber in the walk and churchyard for £7 10s; 1648


97 Ann Banks from her chamber window saw mayor coming down from the court hall, she saw Ann Andrews go away from Mrs Roberts's wall in her orchard; 1648


98 Richard Philpott to show how he holds that part of Pook Lane 'which lies in his ground adjoining to Pett Morris'; 1648


98 William Pelham to enclose from the commons 16' x 27' adjoining the old brewhouse well at the Strand; 99 years at 2s 0d; 1648


98 lease for 21 years at 1s 6d to John Richardson of a lane between the tenements of JR and John Baker in the Strand; 1648


100 John Richardson promises to new make Pipewell and to maintain it for 7 years; 1649


101 four innkeepers; 1649


101v licence to Richard Ince to pull down the west end of his outhouse unto the stable to repair the mansion house 'and make it up a fit dwelling for himself, the said messuage being very much decayed'; promised that he would do it quickly, come and live in it and discharge the corporation of Goodwife Stevenson and her children; 1649


101v two pieces of land called the Brewhouse Marshes, now occupied by [William] Pelham, let for a year to John Hamon and Thomas Hamon at £8; 1649


102v bushes on pendants of hill belonging to the King's Green to be sold; 1649


105 assessment with names and rents but no lands; broken up by Town Lands (mostly £1-3), outdwellers and Camber Lands (much larger sums); 1646


107 William Bredman to have a lease of the ferry house, ferry and salts by him lately inned; 21 years at £10; 1649


111v four innkeepers; 1651


118 statement of Elizabeth Newman that she has often seen Samuel Samson come out of the parsonage house with the clefts of the stairs which he took home to his house at night and burnt, and that she has seen him carry various joists out of the house; to same effect by Robert Newman; 1653


119 statement of Mary Coleman of Winchelsea spinster that she was milking the cow of her master William Pelham esq when he was assaulted by John Collins of Winchelsea innkeeper, very drunk, who pushed him up against his porch; 1653


123v the wells of the town to be made good by John Richardson and to make a horse-pond well steened at the most convenient place near Friars Well; 1653


125 sale of a lane to Thomas Hamon for 10s 0d and 1d rent; 1653


129 John Pettman the elder of Guestling to have a tree that stands in the way for his pains in repairing the road from Icklesham to Winchelsea leading up to a barn of Mr Samson's called the Almshouse Barn; 1655


130v sale for £200 to John Samson of the King's Green from Stone Barn Wall leading to Mr White's land called Cony Field, with the pendents of the hill (E: land of Edward Guldeford esq), reserving a way from Mondays Market down into the marsh, a way to the well, and a way from the Almshouse Barn down to the marsh or well; to pay 5s 0d a year king's rent and 12d to the corporation; 1655


133 John Stevenson pays 10s 0d for carrying away the frame of an old barn near his house; 1655


142v commissioners of sewers may lay a sluice at the Ferry, making a bridge; 1658


143 mayor to have plum-trees on Brewhouse Marsh; 1658


146v Mr John Samson to have the wood growing outside Newgate; 1659


147v sale to John Stephens esq mayor for £12 10s of the Friars Well and the waste land around it; to fence against Mr Sheppard's bars and Mr John Samson's stile and against the watch-house; right to take water, water cattle and rights of way reserved; 1659


149 confirmation of above; 6d king's rent and 6d town's rent; to mend the way so that horse and slides may go for water; 1659


152 drawing water from Pipewell and Strandwell; 1660


156 Permission for William Headborrow to pull down his house 'in the Strame' [?Strand but see f157v] on condition that he pay 10s and the arrears of king's and town's rents; 1660


156 Permission for Thomas Farnham to pull down his house on Cooks Green on condition that he pay 10s and the arrears of king's and town's rents; 1660


157v sale to John Richardson for £3 of 3 rods 'in the Strame' and a lane adjoining his ground at The Strand; town to have right of way to fetch water 'from the said well'; to pay 1d town's rent; 1660


167v three innkeepers 1663


170v five innkeepers 1664


174 the water-bailiff to have the use of the prison belonging to the corporation until the other be mended; 1665


174v Walnut Tree Marsh mortgaged to John Back of Guestling, miller; at the same session it's sold to Daniel White for £60, reserving a rent of 12d; 1665


176v court hall shall be taken down and a new court hall made in the chamber over the [blank] and there are chosen to manage the work and to sell the residue of the materials of the old court hall [names]; to be finished by Easter; 15 Feb 1666


blank pages


190v Samuel Newman, mayor, to pay 20s fine for pulling down his house in Quarter 7; 1670


190v Richard Chesson to have liberty to pull down his house which he bought of John Valentine in Quarter 7; fine 20s; 1670


190v sale of Ferry Salts and adjoining pendents of the hill (12a) to Samuel Jeake of Rye gt for £150; rent 5s 0d; 1670


196 attempt to rate occupiers of fresh marshland in Broomhill, not rated to the poor there, to the poor of Winchelsea, 1674:


Humphrey Wightwick; 250a rented at £200


Thomas Freebody; 30a rented at £30


James Bate; 30a rented at £24


Humphrey Lee; 15a rented at £10


Thomas Morris; 30a rented at £20


197v three innkeepers, one baker; 1676


212 chamberlain to seek for a chapman to buy land called Gallows Hill; 1675


212 pendents adjoining Pipewell Gate and below the Friars Orchard and any other waste belonging to the corporation to be sold; 1675


212v Gallows Hill sold to Samuel Jeake for £12; to be fenced off from the lower corner of Mr Wood's field across to the corner of Tookey's field, the highway leading from the Almshouse Barn to Icklesham to be reserved for a common way; 12d rent reserved; 1676


212v green before his house and the part of the ditch between Mrs Fishenden's land and Popes land sold to Benjamin Jackson or any other; 1676


212v pendents on the N side of the town between Strand Gate and the corner of the town ditch next to Stonemill Green to be sold, reserving the highways; also the piece of salts joining the Tanhouse Marsh; 1676


213 order that the Little Watchbell be taken down out of Strand Gate and lent to the parish to be hung up at some convenient place in the church for the more convenient calling of the congregation together; 1676


213v two cross lanes on the fore and back sides of the house called The Thorne sold to Mr Samuel Newman for £2 10s, reserving 6d rent and a footway on the front of the house; 1676


213v pendents under Cooks Green over against the Tan House and the little piece of salt marsh joining the Tan House sold to Edward Martin for £10 10s, reserving 12d rent; 1676


213v lane adjoining land called Crooked Acre on the W side and leading to Furrs Bank sold to Mr Simon Shervall for 10s 0d, reserving 1d rent; 1676


214v sale to Richard Chesson, butcher, for £4 of a parcel of lanes on the W side of the town, from the piece of ground called Fursbank to the highway from Newgate to Pipewell Gate E, and from the corner of St Giles churchyard to a lane near the Clay Hole N; rent 6d reserved; 1676


216v rates for floatage: quarter of corn 4d, ton of timber and stones and other goods 4d; 1677


216v fences at Pewis and outside Newgate to be taken up and sold; 1677


224 Nine licences to draw beer; 1677


231v Abraham Lullam indicted for practising as a hosier; 1676


235 Richard Ashdown weaver; 1677


237 List of king's rents [names]; 1677


242v chamberlain to buy 50 deal boards to be kept for fair stuff and to be hired out at the fair; 1678


243 sale to Simon Shervall for 10s and a side of good lamb: piece of a lane W: adjoining his piece of ground called Crooked Acre; E: Mrs Fissenden's land); rent 1d; 1678


243v Mr William Smith the present mayor may set a pale before his house, the length of his house and up to five feet wide, rent 4d; 1678


243v unless Mr Wood be willing to pay 12d rent and 5 years' arrears, he is to remove his fence against Newgate Field, where and so far as the encroachment is; 1678


246v house late John Sheather to be repaired at the corporation's charge; 1679


247 St Leonards Green let to Mr Robert Waze; rent 15s; 1679


247v William Edborough to clear his stuff off the floating place; 1679


252v sale to Edward Martin, mayor, for 25s: 1680


1 small lane at the Strand (E: land of John Forthered; W: land of John Wattle; N,S: roads)


2 slip of ground with a draw-well (E: land of John Wattle; S,W,N: road from Strand Gate to Strand Well and thence to the seaside)


3 a little narrow lane (E: close or yard of EM; W: land of Mr Padiham, late Mr Farnham; S: road from Strand Well to the seaside; N: road from Strand Well to EM's dwelling-house)


the above revoked, and sold for 45s to Richard Breene with the next:


4 small piece (W: causeway from Strand Gate to Strand Well on the right hand; E: Padiham's land; N: Wattell's land; S: Padiham's land)


rent of 12d reserved


252v sale to John Richardson of Winchelsea gent for 10s of part of the pendents of the hill on the E side thereof, adjoining the Strand Gate (S [over N, erased]: Strand Gate; W: JR's garden in Quarter 6; E: causeway from Strand Gate to Strand Well; S: from the N corner of JR's garden in Quarter 6 in a direct straight line down the hill to the causeway); rent of 1d reserved; 1680


253 floatage and wharfage let to Richard Breene for a year at 30s; 1680


253 sale to John Richardson of Winchelsea gent for 2s 6d: pendents on the E side of Winchelsea (E: causeway from Strand Gate to Strand Hill; S: JR's grant as 252v; W: orchard or garden of William Fowle in Quarter 6 [over Quarter 8 deleted]; N: from within 16 feet of the N corner of William Fowle's garden down the pendents in a direct straight line to the causeway); 2d rent reserved; 1680


255 hundred; 18 jurors, 15 defaulters; 1680


257 sale to John Richardson of Winchelsea gent for 30s 0d: pendents on the E side of Winchelsea (E: road from Strand Gate to Strand Hill; S: JR's former grant of pendents; W: the garden of William Fowle [in Quarter 6] and in a direct line from the corner of the wall of the garden across the high street to the SE corner of the wall of a garden of Richard Chesson the elder, and so along the E side of the wall to a field of Thomas Farnham called Cooks Green and so winding along the E side of Cooks Green until you come to another piece of the pendents now belonging to the mayor Edward Martin W; N: pendents belonging to Edward Martin); right of way from top to bottom reserved, with free passage to the Mount in the said piece of ground; JR to maintain two stock-stiles at the top and bottom; 2d rent reserved; 1681


258v sale to Samuel Newman of Winchelsea gt for £15 10s of:


1 St Leonards Green (1a) in the parish of St L and the liberty of Hastings (S,E: heirs of Simon Moys, Mill Land; Witness(es): Mr Rich; NW: Samuel Newman; S: SN's land called hanging field, heirs of Thomas Farnham's Brewhouse Marsh; S,E: St Leonards churchyard), rights of way reserved


2 piece of lane (Gallows Hill in this town; N: heirs of John Tookey; S: heirs of Alexander Sampson; E: road)


6d rent reserved


259v mayor Edward Martin seeks permission to set up posts and rails against the wall of his house at the Strand where Goodman Hickmott lives, to defend the house and windows from carriages passing by the highway there; rent 4d; 1681


262v Mr [Thomas] Hovenden to have the length of the wall of his court (being about 40 foot) and 12 foot of ground in breadth to build a stable, rent 4d; 1681


262v sale to William Smith of Winchelsea gent for 40s; pendents of the hill on the N side of the town (N, E: road; S, W: land of Samuel Newman); rent 1d; 1681


262v sale to Francis Sampson for £10; pendents of the hill near his house and joining up to Pipewell Gate (E: land late Philpot; N, S, W: road); rent 4d; 1681


265 an earth hole to be made in the lane leading down the steep hill into the Strand between Fowle's wall and Chesson's wall, being only a footway; people to pay at 1d a load; 1682


266 three innkeepers; 1682


266v sale to Edward Marten for £5: (not paid a year later and an action to be brought against him)


1 town ditch and a little green adjoining (½a; S, N: road; E: land of Richard Padiham esq; W; land of Fray's heirs)


2 lane leading from the road at Horsehead House down to Pett Morris and Crooked Acre Bars


rent 6d; 1682


267v considerable quantity of timber and wood has lain on the floatage place for five years unclaimed and no floatage has been paid; to be appraised and sold; floatage at 45s a year to be deducted; 1682


269v witchcraft v Mary wife of Abraham Lulham; 1683


273v rate set for repairing the watch-house; 1683


279 four innkeepers; 1684


282 Richard Ashdown of Winchelsea weaver v John Sturt of Winchelsea weaver; stealing yarn; 1684


285 permission for John Rippingale to take down his barn and carry away the materials; 1684


294v four innkeepers (one a mason); 1686


297 mayor, jurats, jury and defaulters = 28; 1687


298v five innkeepers, one of W, brickmaker; 1687


304 five innkeepers; 1688


306v lease for 101 years at 6d to Edward Marten and George Head: part of the high street southward along the wall of the churchyard of Winchelsea St Thomas, one rod in breadth from the wall eastward and three rods long along the wall from N-S, lying about the middle way between the two dwelling houses of EM and GH under the elms there, to the intent that they might dig a well and build a well-house there, for their use only; 1689


312 the iron-house now standing on the floatage of this town shall be pulled down or otherwise disposed of; 1689 [seems not to have been done; see 1691]


314v [blank] Barnett of Lewes gent gives notice that he intends to convert the two halls or chambers, commonly called the Court Hall and the Freemen's Hall in Winchelsea, lately let to him by the mayor and jurats, to places of worship; 3 Dec 1689


315 mayor and jurats have let the two halls or chambers, commonly called the Court Hall and the Freemen's Hall, for 21 years to Edward Marten at £1; EM to repair the chambers (except the ground work there) and the corporation to give him liberty to remove the stairs going up in the court hall, to the further end of the freemen's hall and there set them up in a place [caret for an insert but no insert] called the Town's Pound near the prison [provided this demise continue deleted] and the corporation to repair the ground work and foundation of the chambers during the term, provided this demise continue but during time the said chambers shall be used and employed as a place for religious worship for the service of God and no longer; 16 Dec 1689


315v sessions adjourned 'to be holden below stairs'; 1689


316v Samuel Newman to remove his earth and some hedge which is slid down in the way leading from the Chapel Barn down Gallows Hill to Pewes; 1690


317v Edward Marten has lately built a small stone room or closet adjoining his dwelling-house; to pay an annual rent of 2d and he may set two posts with one rail from post to post, being from one end of the parlour window to the other not exceeding 3½ feet from the same window towards the gutter; 1690


333v Mr John Harris has liberty to rail in his house 8 feet and also the same distance from the SW end of his house to the NW end of the orchard wall; rent 12d; 1691


333v 'lease for ever' to John Harris of the Gate House called the Strand Gate in W; rent 12d; 1691


333v order for the mayor to build an outlet from the iron-house in this town (the length of the house) ten foot upon the floatage along the channel, rent 4d; 1691


remainder in reverse:


360-9v Bargain and sale for £30; 1652


Alexander Usborne of Canterbury, grocer, and wife Margaret to William Thorpe of Winchelsea, gent for life, remainder to his daughter Mary:


void pieces, edifices and stone walls, sometime a messuage lately burnt and now decayed called Harrowes place and 4 gardens (now converted into an orchard occupied by Richard Martin) in Quarter 20 (E: pound, road; N: pound, road, the old solar; W: road; S: land of Thomas Rainolds gt, WT)


358v Final concord; 1653


Simon Moyce, gent, and wife Anne to Richard Martyn and wife Elizabeth


A messuage, backside, barn, stable, garden and 2 orchards in St. Thomas's, Winchelsea


358 Final concord; 1654


William Pelham, gent, and wife Elizabeth to John Tookey and wife Elizabeth


A messuage, barn, stable, garden, ½a in Quarter 14


357v Final concord; 1656


Thomas Fox and wife Bennet to William Breadman, for the life of BF


A messuage and gardens in Quarter 4


357 Final concord; 1657


Agnes Collins and son John to William Coultman


messuage, barn, stable, garden and ½a in Quarter 3


356v Final concord; 1657


William Jones and wife Constance to Thomas Hamon gt


messuage called the Buchery House and 1a in Quarter 19


356 Final concord; 1657


Thomas Hunt and wife Thomasin to William Pelham, gent


piece of meadowland (1½a) in Quarter 19


355v Final concord; 1658


Thomas Watts, Richard Coochey and wife Ann to Richard Brett


piece of land (¼a) in Quarter 9


355 Final concord; 1658


Richard Coochey, husbandman and wife Ann to John Marsh, yeoman


messuage, backside and garden (¼a) in Quarter 14


354v Final concord; 1658


James Bunce, carpenter, and wife Elizabeth to Elizabeth Martin, widow


messuage, backside, barn, stable, garden and 2 orchards in St Thomas


354 Final concord; 1659


Richard Brett and wife Jean to John Samson, gent


messuage, garden, close, backside and orchard (½a) in Quarter 8


353v Final concord; 1660


William Beeson and wife Martha to Robert Morley


piece of land in Quarter 21


353 Exemplification of a final concord; 1660


William Beeson and wife Martha to John Tookie


2½a in Quarter 24 and Quarter 25


351v Bargain and sale; 1662


William Edborough of Icklesham, carpenter, and wife Elizabeth to William Breadman of Winchelsea, husbandman


two messuages and 2 gardens or orchards in Quarter 12 (N, W: roads; S: land of John Relfe gt; E: footway)


350 Final concord; 1664


Ann Amherst and William Bodkin and wife Joan to Peter Harmer and wife Margaret


messuage and close in Winchelsea


349 Bargain and sale for £45; 1664


Samuel Newman of Winchelsea, miller, and wife Ann to Thomas Wharton of Gray's Inn, esq


capital messuage and garden in Quarter 13 (N,E: garden or orchard and messuage of the rectory of St Thomas; S, W: road towards church of St Thomas) with all ways and paths belonging to it


348 Final concord; 1667


Samuel Horne, clerk and wife Elizabeth to Alexander Samson, gt for the life of ES


messuage, brewhouse, orchard, 5a meadow, 8a pasture and 2a freshmarsh


346 Subscription roll with 19 signatures declaring themselves free of the Solemn League and Covenant, 1669; four additions, 1675-76; six subscriptions to Declarations under the Act against Popish Recusants, 1676


345v Final concord; 1673


Samuel Newman and wife Mary to Benjamin Jackson


piece of land (1a) in Winchelsea


345 Final concord; 1674


Richard Padiham and wife Margaret to Samuel Newman


messuage, garden, 2a land and the ferry


344v Final concord; 1675


George Sampson and wife Philippa, Samuel Horne and wife Elizabeth, Samuel Eldred and wife Frances to John Weeks the elder gent, John Weeks the younger gent and Mary Weeks


The site and house of the Grey Friars, a barn, stable, garden, 2 orchards, a close, 20a land, 4a meadow, 6a pasture, in Winchelsea


344-3v Final concord; 1675


William Lunceford, gent, Richard Padiham and wife Margaret to Richard Cheston


messuage and close in Winchelsea


342v Final concord; 1669


John Richardson, gent and wife Elizabeth to Thomas Avan


messuage, garden, orchard, and 5a in Winchelsea


342 Final concord; 1670


John Richardson, gent and wife Elizabeth to Peter Harmer


messuage, barn, 2 gardens and ½a in Winchelsea


341-0v Exemplification of common recovery suffered in the Court of Winchelsea in 1669; 1678


Thomas Avan to Simon Shervall; John Richardson and wife Elizabeth, vouchees


messuage, garden and 5a


340 Final concord; 1679


Robert Pope and wife Susan to Francis Samson


messuage, garden, 2 orchards and 4a in The Strand


339-8v Common recovery; 1679


Francis Sampson to Richard Sampson; Robert Pope, vouchee


property in f340 above


337v Final concord; 1680


John Weeks the younger, gent and Mary Weeks to Samuel Jeake the elder


the site and house of The Grey Friars (as f344v)


337 Final concord; 1680


John Fordred and wife Ann to Samuel Stretton


messuage, orchard, garden and 6 rods at The Strand


336v Final concord; 1680


Mary Wood, widow to George Head


messuage, garden and orchard in Quarter 13


Final concord; 1680


Mary Wood, widow to Dorothy Sampson, widow and Richard Sampson


messuage, garden and orchard in Quarter 18


336 Final concord; 1683


John Fissenden and wife Elizabeth and Nicholas Harrison and wife Elizabeth to Samuel Newman, gent


1 messuage, buildings, barn, close and garden in Quarter 8


2 2a in Quarter 11 adjoining the parish [?church] of St Giles


3 2a in Quarter 16


4 ½a called The Pendents of the Hill


5 small plot adjoining the Common Park of the town on the E


335v Final concord; 1683


John Richardson and wife Elizabeth to Edward Marten


messuage and garden in Quarter 6


335 Final concord; 1684


Richard Padiham the elder and wife Margaret and Richard Padiham the younger to Samuel Newman


two lanes and two little greens, a messuage, garden, orchard, 2a land


335 Final concord; 1684


William Tookey and wife Anne to William Smith


messuage, barn, orchard and 2½a in Quarter 14, Quarter 24 and Quarter 25


334v Final concord; 1687


Robert Walker, yeoman and his daughter Elizabeth wife of Robert Bourne of Hastings, mariner (RW's daughter by his late wife Elizabeth), to Edward Martin


messuage called The Storehouse at The Strand


334 Final concord [mortgage for £165]; 1687


William Smith and wife Ann to Richard Seamer for 50 years


messuage, barn, stable, 2 gardens, 2 orchards, 2a pasture, 8a arable and 12a rushy land in Winchelsea St Thomas, Winchelsea St Giles and Icklesham

Date: 1628-1691
Held by: East Sussex and Brighton and Hove Record Office (ESBHRO), not available at The National Archives
Language: English
Physical condition: Large folio, 15 x 9 in, bound in a limp parchment cover, with two sheepskin ties. The cover is endorsed '7'. The volume comprises vi + 364 paper folios. The original foliation runs to folio 337.

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