Catalogue description Donor's mother, Betty Battersby, b.1873 in Newton, the eldest of 4 children. She worked as a weaver in a cotton mill. Her mother was a reeler and after her father's death they brought work to the house so that they had money coming in. Betty started work at 11 years of age, halftime to start with: mornings - work and afternoons - school. She worked 6a.m. to 5.30p.m. when full-time. She married Arthur Ousey, an engineer in Stalybridge.

This record is held by Greater Manchester County Record Office (with Manchester Archives)

Details of 1369/7
Reference: 1369/7
Title: Donor's mother, Betty Battersby, b.1873 in Newton, the eldest of 4 children. She worked as a weaver in a cotton mill. Her mother was a reeler and after her father's death they brought work to the house so that they had money coming in. Betty started work at 11 years of age, halftime to start with: mornings - work and afternoons - school. She worked 6a.m. to 5.30p.m. when full-time. She married Arthur Ousey, an engineer in Stalybridge.

Negative Sheet Number 1/J25/37

Date: 1873
Held by: Greater Manchester County Record Office (with Manchester Archives), not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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