Catalogue description Meirionnydd Quarter Sessions
This record is held by Gwynedd Archives, Meirionnydd Record Office
Reference: | ZQS |
Title: | Meirionnydd Quarter Sessions |
Description: |
Records of the Merionethshire Court of Quarter Sessions, 1776-1914, consisting mainly of administrative records, including writs, 1776-1879; nomina ministrorum, 1776-1914; jury records, 1776-1914; constables' records, 1776-1914; surveyor's records, 1800-1914; treasurers' records, 1776-1879; coroner's records, 1776-1843; gaol and prisoner records, 1776-1914; sacrament certificates, 1776-1822; records relating to the maintenance of bridges and roads, 1776-1877; records relating to the appointment of Justices of the Peace, 1776-1914; records relating to the appointment of Lieutenants, 1778-1842; records relating to the Clerks of the Court, 1783-1872; records relating to militia, 1778-1878; police records, 1866-1914; records relating to poor relief, 1777-1879; records relating to asylums, 1824-1914; records relating to criminal and civil cases, 1777-1914, including letters, 1777-1914; presentments, 1776-1879; recognizances and related records, 1776-1879; conviction records, 1784-1914; warrants, 1781-1879; orders, 1777-1911; bills, 1777-1914; notices of appeal, 1776-1878; depositions, 1786-1879; petitions, 1788-1914; oaths, 1787-1914; instructions, 1787-1879; notices, 1784-1879; examinations, 1782-1879; summons, 1840-1869; schedules of estate, 1778-1814; marriage records, 1782-1808; licensing records, 1782-1914; Land Tax assessments, 1784; County Rate records, 1819-1914; game certificates and appointment of gamekeepers, 1785-1874; records relating to nonconformist meeting houses and preachers, 1792-1847; and newspapers, 1843-1874. Records of the Clerk of the Peace of Merionetshire, 1817-1943, comprising fees and accounts, 1817-1837, 1864; list of the Gentlemen in the Commission of the Peace, 1821-1831; case papers, 1817-1943; letter books, 1822-1894; charities, 1875-1910; enclosures, 1822, [c. 1827]; and general papers, 1818-1923. Records, 1738-1949, including annuities, 1785-1842; records relating to the appointment of Deputy Lieutenants, 1832-1840; Constables' records, 1802-1838; Corn Tax certificates, 1821-1827; election records, 1835-1870; enclosure awards and related records, 1809-1869; records relating to friendly societies, 1836-1949; records relating to highways, 1880-1882; jury lists, 1804-1840; Land Tax assessment records, 1861-1949; oath rolls and declarations, 1738-1885; and Turnpike trust records, 1818-1835. Records relating to licensing, 1817-1973, consisting mainly of recognizances, 1817-1826; minute books of the licensing committee, 1906-1973; compensation case papers, 1907-1922; financial records, 1907-1968; correspondence, 1905-1921; and records relating to diseases of animals, 1866-1871. Miscellaneous records of Merionethshire Court of Quarter Sessions, 1752-1949, including assize papers, 1833-1946; Lieutenancy papers, 1812-1814; financial records, 1752-1947; petitions, 1866-1883 |
Date: | 1738-1973 |
Arrangement: |
Mostly arranged by year and session |
Held by: | Gwynedd Archives, Meirionnydd Record Office, not available at The National Archives |
Language: | English, Welsh |
Creator: |
Restrictions on use: |
Usual copyright regulations apply. |
Access conditions: |
No restrictions |
Selection and destruction information: |
All records deposited at Meirionnydd Archives have been retained. |
Accruals: |
Accruals are not expected |
Unpublished finding aids: |
Hard copies of the catalogues are available in Meirionnydd Archives and the National Library of Wales. |
Administrative / biographical background: |
The Court of Quarter Sessions in Merionethshire sat four times a year, attended by the Justices of the Peace of the county. Quarter Sessions courts were established in Wales after the Acts of Union, 1536-1543. As well as its judicial functions, the Quarter Sessions played a major role in the local administration of Merionethshire until the late nineteenth century, when many of its administrative functions were transferred to the County Council. The judicial role of the Courts continued until their abolition in 1971. The Court of Quarter Sessions heard a broad range of cases including burglary, assault, drunkenness, poaching, vagrancy, rioting, unlawful cutting of timber, and encroachment. Forms of punishment handed down by the justices were fines, flogging, imprisonment and transportation. The Court also heard disputes between individuals, such as non-payment of debts, and was responsible for the administration of the Poor Laws. There were numerous administrative matters overseen by the courts, including licensing alehouses, determining wage-levels and controlling registration of charities and nonconformist meeting houses. In addition, the Court had responsibility for overseeing the upkeep of bridges, gaols and houses of correction. |
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