Catalogue description Counterpart of lease, in reversion, for 99 years, on lives of Anne daughter of John...

This record is held by Kresen Kernow (formerly Cornwall Record Office)

Details of AR/4/362
Reference: AR/4/362

Counterpart of lease, in reversion, for 99 years, on lives of Anne daughter of John Phillips, deceased, and Gregory son of Thomas Phillips, deceased, John and Thomas having been brothers of (2); to commence from termination of (2)'s present estate in the premises


(1) Sir John Arundell of Lanhearn


(2) Jasper Phillips of Phillack, clerk


Property In Penfentynyowe; one quarter of a tenement in Connerton; half of a piece of land in Halevorrage, formerly in the tenure of Bennett Cocke, deceased, and now in the tenure of (2); and Saundrey's Tenement, formerly in the tenure of Ralph Saundrey, deceased, and now in the tenure of (2); tin and timber rights reserved


Consideration £40


Rent For Penfentynyowe property - 33s. 4d.


For Connerton property - 5s. 6d.


For Halevorrage property - 12d.


For Saundrey's Tenement - 10s. 0d.


Two fat capons yearly


Two harvest journeys or 8d.


For two heriots or farleus, two best beasts or £3 6s. 8d. for one and 40s. 0d. for the other




To do common suit to the court and mill of the manor


To act as reeve or tithingman if so elected


To repair and maintain the property

Date: 28 October 1673
Held by: Kresen Kernow (formerly Cornwall Record Office), not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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