Catalogue description Jackie (left) and Billy Newman, sons of William Newman, mens agent at the Tilmanstone Colliery. The donor worked as warden at Elvington Settlement from late summer 1930-1932 (the year she married). She worked closely with Billy and felt she got things done through him.

This record is held by Greater Manchester County Record Office (with Manchester Archives)

Details of 2427/43
Reference: 2427/43
Title: Jackie (left) and Billy Newman, sons of William Newman, mens agent at the Tilmanstone Colliery. The donor worked as warden at Elvington Settlement from late summer 1930-1932 (the year she married). She worked closely with Billy and felt she got things done through him.

Negative Sheet Number 2/P4/38

Date: 1930-1932
Held by: Greater Manchester County Record Office (with Manchester Archives), not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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