Catalogue description Trade and household furniture, fittings, utensils, stock etc. at The Duke Hotel,...

This record is held by Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre

Details of 1895/448
Reference: 1895/448

Trade and household furniture, fittings, utensils, stock etc. at The Duke Hotel, Bratton; Fixtures, fittings, stock, grocery stock, motor cars etc. at The Stores, Codford; Household furniture, silver and plated articles etc. at Luccombe House, Bratton; Family furniture, Church Lane, Wingfield; Stock of grocery etc. fixtures, fittings and wet stock at the North View Porter Stores at 78 Days Road, Bristol; Fixtures, fittings, stock, license etc. at The Bell Inn, Semington; The New Inn Corton, Near Warminster; The Royal Oak Inn, Devizes; The Bear Inn, Box; The New Inn, Wellow, Bath; Fittings and effects at Trowbridge Rectory; Furniture, fittings and stock etc. at The Boot Inn, Ramsbury; Fixtures, fittings, gas stove, bath and geyzer, goodwill and stock in trade, 40 Roundstone Street, Trowbridge; Fixtures, fittings, stock and license etc. at the Midland and Great Western Hotel, Temple Gate, Bristol; And at the Three Horse Shoes, Bradford on Avon.

Date: 1928 - 1929
Held by: Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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